The integration of people with disabilities is one of the often emerging issues on various forums of the modern democratic society. Governments, local authorities, churches and civil society try to do their best in order to integrate people with disabilities within the educational system, cultural and social life, as well as employment. In the public opinion these efforts are linked with the modern concept of democratic values, equal opportunities and human dignity. It is interesting to see how important the role of disability was in the relationship with the Lord in the narratives about the patriarchs and the elected people of Israel. In the present study we follow the trace the stories of the patriarchs and prophets to find out how disability influenced their life and election.
People with Disabilities in the Old Testament
Tartalom bibliográfiai hivatkozása
Makkai Péter: People with Disabilities in the Old Testament. In: Református Szemle 107.5 (2014), 481--503
Tartalmi jellemzők
Témakör: Old Testament, Spirituality
› Kulcsszavak: fogyatékosság, érzékenyítés, egyház és társadalom