This paper concludes that within the moral philosophy of Jankélévitch, the problem of forgiveness is ambiguous; or rather the author has an ambiguous attitude towards forgiveness.His point of view also has shortcomings that are due to the deficiencies of his metaphysics, his anthropology, his image of God and his interpretation of death. The God of Jankélévitch is creative energy, eternal acting goodness and love, but it is not a person and does not personally know its creations. It does not rule, does not enter into a covenant, does not bring redemption at the cost of its own heartbreak, does not judge sins and does not forgive them, does not speak, does not give commandments, does not conquer death, does not resurrect the dead, and does not offer eternal life. So the imperative of forgiveness is not — cannot — be supported by faith.
The problem of forgiveness in the context of the metaphysics and anthropology of Vladimir Jankélévitch. I.
Tartalom bibliográfiai hivatkozása
Visky Sándor Béla: The problem of forgiveness in the context of the metaphysics and anthropology of Vladimir Jankélévitch. I.. In: Református Szemle 109.1 (2016), 37--54
Tartalmi jellemzők
Témakör: Systematic theology
› Kulcsszavak: forgiveness, ethics, anthropology, death, Vladimir Jankélévitch