In the background of the increasingly popular group dynamics one should be aware of the loosening ties within the communities of the modern society. The essence of a small group is that it enables special, experimental and interpersonal learning. Their efficiency as live, open systems can be measured in the existential change of the personality. In our analysis we examine cases of adaptation to the church life at the level of complex ecclesial communal events.Studying the Bible in small groups is a genuine heritage of the Reformation, although it had taken centuries to be considered socially relevant. According to the pastoral-psychiatric practices, the most proper “social sphere” of repentance as the existential spiritual change of the personality is provided by the Bible-study groups. Group-phenomena such as group-cohesion, altruism, wholeness, dynamic balance can be matched very well to the spiritual qualities of the church as a unity of the living body of Christ. Group dynamical process will facilitate a live and fresh ecclesial life. Church services as moderated large-groups are to provide social integration for the Christians through concentric circles. Through the internalisation of a consensus-able dialogue-culture the ecclesial communities would be enabled to formulate a community model based on the love of Christ. To assign proper place of dialogic Bible study, the importance of groups should be increased within the system of church services and complex ecclesial occasions.
Group Dynamics and Church Development
Tartalom bibliográfiai hivatkozása
Pluhár Gábor: Group Dynamics and Church Development. In: Református Szemle 109.4 (2016), 370--400
Tartalmi jellemzők
Témakör: Practical theology
› Kulcsszavak: csoportdinamika, csoportmunka, gyülekezetépítés, pasztorálpszichológia, személyiség