The Question of Unity of a Human Person (Part II)


The closing part of this study presents the most important dichotomic and trichotomic anthropological models from the era of Reformation (Erasmus, Calvin, Bullinger, the Confessio Helvetica Posterior, the Heidelberg Catechism, István Szegedi Kis) and provides a synthesis of the anthropological view of 20th century theology (Karl Barth, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Oscar Cullmann, Jenő Sebestyén, István Török, Botond Gaál, and others). The conclusion to the historical presentation is followed by an inquiry into the possibilities to apply the results of the anthropological investigations to other fields of theology.
Keywords: theological anthropology, dichotomy, trichotomy, body, soul, spirit, Erasmus, Cal­ vin, Bullinger, Heidelberg Catechism, Barth, Pannenberg.

Tartalom bibliográfiai hivatkozása

Papp György: The Question of Unity of a Human Person (Part II). In: Református Szemle 109.5 (2016), 523--541