Student Performances in the Székely Mikó College at the End of the 19th and the Beginning of the 20th Centuries


The performances organized by the educational institution at the turn of the century contributed not only to the aesthetic education of students but also to the evolution of style of the town and its vicinity. The festivities held on the occasion of birth or death anniversaries of political or clerical notorieties, school advocates, writers and poets, the plaque from Zabola, and, moreover, the ceremonious screenplays invented for the inauguration of the school’s flag remained essential elements of the contemporary social life.

Tartalom bibliográfiai hivatkozása

Krecht Gyöngyvér: Student Performances in the Székely Mikó College at the End of the 19th and the Beginning of the 20th Centuries. In: Református Szemle 110.3 (2017), 281--298

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