In this paper I examined one of the effects of László Ravasz’s theological thinking, namely the development of his spiritual life and its impact on his position as a scholar of theology. Due to the limitations of the scope of this paper, I present the lesser known views of Ravasz’s work on mission. Among others, John R. Mott’s lecture in Cluj-Napoca provides clues that the young Ravasz approached the tasks of pastoral ministry, preaching, dissemination of the gospel, theological education in a modern and relevant manner. This approach was not perfect, but it helped to bring about a new impetus for the Hungarian Protestant worldview that was stuck in rationalism and liberalism and for Protestant theology in general to start off towards the dialectical theology. Ravasz was an authentic representative of this transition
Living Faith, Living Mission
Tartalom bibliográfiai hivatkozása
Kulcsár Árpád: Living Faith, Living Mission. In: Református Szemle 113.1 (2020), 32--52
Tartalmi jellemzők
Témakör: Practical theology
› Kulcsszavak: mission