Critics of the Critic

László Ravasz’s First Volume of Sermons and Its Critical Reception

In this paper I examine the first collection of sermons of László Ravasz, published by him between 1903–1910 in several journals, such as the Református Szemle, the Protestáns Prédikátori Tár, the Protestáns Szemle, and later in his book entitled Ez ama Jézus. These sermons stage the first steps of Ravasz in the field of homiletics and preaching, being influenced and inspired by well-known Western European preachers, as well as his Transylvanian mentors. His preaching from this period testifies to the influence of liberal theology, but he also brings in new and original perspectives into the content, structure and style, furnishing some long-term perspectives for the Hungarian Reformed preaching.

Tartalom bibliográfiai hivatkozása

Kulcsár Árpád: Critics of the Critic. László Ravasz’s First Volume of Sermons and Its Critical Reception. In: Református Szemle 115.3 (2022), 259--280