Review Essay on Rolf Theobold: Kurzzeit-seelsorge. Ein Praxisbuch

Part 1

“People are not a machines, because if they were, in an emergency situation they would know which button to press or which screw to tighten in order to get their machine working again” – maintains Rolf Theolbold, minister and practical theologian, author of the book. Rolf Theolbold presents the basics and possibilities of short-term pastoral care in a plain language. How “short” is short-term pastoral care? How can it help those longing for a solution to their spiritual problems? This book was written for people who want to help others but often have little time to do so. From a rich repertoire of modern short-term therapy methods, it offers practical suggestions on how to provide useful pastoral care in a short time frame. The author encourages the reader to experience with the presented short-term methods of pastoral care and to discover the rich possibilities it offers despite the limited time available. The first six chapters of the book focus on the theoretical foundations, while the rest of the book provides the methodological underpinnings.

Tartalom bibliográfiai hivatkozása

Nagy Eszter: Review Essay on Rolf Theobold: Kurzzeit-seelsorge. Ein Praxisbuch. Part 1. In: Református Szemle 115.5 (2022), 511--532

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