“Their Worm Shall Not Die” (Isa 66:24)

The Punishment of Blasphemers (?)

Suffering is a mystery. Both the blasphemer and the righteous suffer. Jesus himself did not reveal the reason why the man in Jerusalem was born blind (Jn 9). But he did reveal, and gave countless examples, of what to do with those who were suffering. And whoever takes up any person who has fallen into misery, in him the power of God is at work. Our embracing of others is the same act of comforting and healing of body and soul miracle that God has done and is doing. This paper, which is an expanded and edited version of a lecture, discusses the disease known as scolecobrothos (σκωληκόβρωτος) in the biblical and some extra-biblical sources (2 Maccabees, the writings of Josephus Flavius, Rabbinic sources and the Apocryphal book of the Testament of Job).

Tartalom bibliográfiai hivatkozása

Adorjáni Zoltán: “Their Worm Shall Not Die” (Isa 66:24). The Punishment of Blasphemers (?). In: Református Szemle 116.1 (2023), 5--29