The Early Mother-Child Relationship and Its Impact on the Child’s Psychological Development and Adult Life in Light of Attachment Theory, with Special Consideration for Pastoral Service

Attachment Patterns of Reformed Ministers in Romania. Part I

Psychologist John Bowlby, the father of attachment theory, maintains that “attachment plays a fundamental role in human life from the cradle to the grave”. In my research, I bridge the gap between the psychologically grounded theory of attachment and pastoral theology. My aim is to shed light on how attachment patterns formed in childhood (secure, anxious-avoidant, anxious-ambivalent and disorganized) influence adulthood, particularly the relational systems of pastors serving as leaders within congregations. To explore this, I employ empirical research methods. I outline the connections between identified attachment patterns and pastoral service in the context of Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT), and from a pastoral care perspective, I highlight possibilities for healing among individuals with insecure attachments within intimate relationships.

Tartalom bibliográfiai hivatkozása

Nagy Eszter: The Early Mother-Child Relationship and Its Impact on the Child’s Psychological Development and Adult Life in Light of Attachment Theory, with Special Consideration for Pastoral Service. Attachment Patterns of Reformed Ministers in Romania. Part I. In: Református Szemle 116.2 (2023), 139--168