What responsibilities do Protestant pastors in 21st -century Transylvania fulfill, and how should theological education adapt to meet these needs? To address these questions, the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca and the Institute of Religious Studies initiated a research project aimed at mapping the duties and roles of ministers within the region. The initial phase of the study involved in-depth interviews with Protestant leaders and ministers representing a variety of congregational backgrounds across Transylvania. This paper presents preliminary insights and syntheses findings from these interviews, providing direct quotations that illustrate the diversity and complexity of pastoral tasks. Building on these interviews, a comprehensive questionnaire will be distributed to a broader group of Protestant ministers. The second phase of this research is expected to yield a nuanced understanding of pastoral responsibilities within the Protestant churches, with attention to regional, generational, and congregational etc. differences. The outcomes of this research are anticipated to contribute to the evolution of a modern theological curriculum that aligns more closely with current pastoral realities and supports churches in refining their missional strategies.
‟Everything Belongs to It...”
Mapping the Pastoral Roles in Transylvanian Protestant Churches: A Research Report
Tartalom bibliográfiai hivatkozása
Kató Szabolcs Ferencz, Kiss Dénes, Bálint Róbert Zoltán: ‟Everything Belongs to It...”. Mapping the Pastoral Roles in Transylvanian Protestant Churches: A Research Report. In: Református Szemle 117.4 (2024), 367--392
Tartalmi jellemzők
Témakör: Practical theology
› Kulcsszavak: lelkészképzés, református lelkészképzés, egyház és társadalom, közösségépítés