Debreczeni István |
Conference Report on the Third Tavaszy Days. March 20–21, 2024 |
Református Szemle 117.2 (2024) |
Kató Szabolcs Ferencz |
Open Days at the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca |
Református Szemle 117.2 (2024) |
Éles Éva |
Joint Meeting of the Leaders of the Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék and the Teachers of the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca |
Református Szemle 117.2 (2024) |
Peti Lehel |
István Máté: Church Service in Kalotaszeg. Life Strategies and Careers of Ministers in the Reformed Church County of Kalotaszeg |
Református Szemle 117.2 (2024) |
Éles Éva |
Viktor Kókai-Nagy (ed.): Herod |
Református Szemle 117.2 (2024) |
Aalders Maarten Johan |
A Hungarian Church Secession? |
Református Szemle 117.2 (2024) |
Bajusz Anna |
The State of Romanian Denominational Schools in Turda-Arieş County at the Turn of the 19th–20th Centuries, as Seen by School Inspector István Téglás |
Református Szemle 117.2 (2024) |
Csukás Gergely |
Christ and the Church. The Relational Theology of Heinrich Bullinger |
Református Szemle 117.2 (2024) |
Herczeg Pál |
Baptism in the Acts of the Apostles |
Református Szemle 117.2 (2024) |
Kovács Sándor |
The Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca Celebrates Its 75th Anniversary |
Református Szemle 117.1 (2024) |
Adorjáni Dezső Zoltán |
The Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca Celebrates Its 75th Anniversary |
Református Szemle 117.1 (2024) |
Kovács István |
“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) |
Református Szemle 117.1 (2024) |
Bogdán Szabolcs János |
“... Be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord...” |
Református Szemle 117.1 (2024) |
Kató Béla |
Eulogy for the 75th Anniversary of the Protestant Theological Institute |
Református Szemle 117.1 (2024) |
Balogh Csaba |
The Joint Protestant Theological Training in Cluj-Napoca Celebrates Its 75th Anniversary |
Református Szemle 117.1 (2024) |
Bálint Péter |
The Phenomenon of Beauty and Ugliness in Religious Folktales (Koré and Tündér Ilona) |
Református Szemle 117.1 (2024) |
Bacsó István |
Introduction to the Doctrine of Theosis |
Református Szemle 117.1 (2024) |
Ledán M. István |
Liberality in the Greco-Roman World and New Testament |
Református Szemle 117.1 (2024) |
Név Nélkül |
Református Szemle (Reformed Review) Volume CXVI, 2023 Table of Contents |
Református Szemle 116.6 (2023) |
Név Nélkül |
Leuenberg Agreement (Hungarian translation) |
Református Szemle 116.6 (2023) |
Kató Szabolcs Ferencz |
Leuenberg Agreement at Its Fifty (1973–2023). A Jubilee Meeting |
Református Szemle 116.6 (2023) |
Kovács Sándor |
The Rector’s Speech at the Opening of the Academic Year |
Református Szemle 116.6 (2023) |
Balogh Csaba |
The Academic Year 2023–2024 Has Started |
Református Szemle 116.6 (2023) |
Nagy Norbert |
A Review of Tibor Fabiny: Beyond Literalism. A Meditative Dialogue on Theological Hermeneutics |
Református Szemle 116.6 (2023) |
Nagy Norbert |
A Review of Oda Wischmeyer (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken. Von Origenes bis zur Gegenwart (Hungarian translation) |
Református Szemle 116.6 (2023) |
Sógor Árpád |
The Lost Shepherd. Árpád Sógor Is Talking with Márton Járay |
Református Szemle 116.6 (2023) |
Kolumbán Vilmos József |
The Ethical Codex of the Reformed College of Kolozsvár from 1786 |
Református Szemle 116.6 (2023) |
Lőrinczy Petra |
The Origin and Characteristics of the Prosperity Theology in North America, and Its Legacy in South Korea in the Light of David Yonggi Cho’s book “The Fourth Dimension” |
Református Szemle 116.6 (2023) |
Éles Éva |
Where Are the New Heaven and the New Earth? The Second Epistle of Peter and its Eschatological Teaching |
Református Szemle 116.6 (2023) |
Batizán Attila |
Book review of Stefan Paas: Vreemdelingen en priesters. Christelijke missie in een postchristelijke omgeving. Uitgeverij Boekencentrum, Zoetermeer 2015 |
Református Szemle 116.5 (2023) |
Emődi András |
The Earliest Calendars of the Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék (Oradea) |
Református Szemle 116.5 (2023) |
Gaál Botond |
“Out of nothing I have created a new and different world.” How Did Bolyai János Understand This Statement 200 Years Ago? |
Református Szemle 116.5 (2023) |
Fodor László |
In the Footsteps of the Communion Cup of Érkeserű (Cheșereu) |
Református Szemle 116.5 (2023) |
Bacsó István |
Grace or Nature? A Possible Approach to the Barth-Brunner Debate |
Református Szemle 116.5 (2023) |
Éles Éva |
“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ…” A Homiletical Preparation of 2 Corinthians 8,7–9 |
Református Szemle 116.5 (2023) |
Székely József |
In the Presence of the “I AM” Sermon at the Funeral of Dhc. Dr. Zsolt Kozma |
Református Szemle 116.4 (2023) |
Balogh Csaba |
Dhc. Dr. Zsolt Kozma Has Passed Away |
Református Szemle 116.4 (2023) |
Név Nélkül |
Memorandum. Coetus Theologorum, 11th of July 2023 |
Református Szemle 116.4 (2023) |
Balogh Csaba |
After Ten Years, the Coetus Theologorum Gathered Again in Illyefalva (Ilieni) |
Református Szemle 116.4 (2023) |
Horváth József |
God Seduced Us… |
Református Szemle 116.4 (2023) |
Kovács Sándor |
The Rector’s Speech Closing the Academic Year |
Református Szemle 116.4 (2023) |
Balogh Csaba |
The 2022-2023 Academic Year Was Officially Closed |
Református Szemle 116.4 (2023) |
Torkos Ákos |
Farewell speech |
Református Szemle 116.4 (2023) |
Balogh Csaba |
The Graduation Ceremony of the Academic Year 2022–2023 at the Protestant Theological Institute |
Református Szemle 116.4 (2023) |
Batizán Attila |
The Church as Diaspora. Ecclesiological Contexts of Diaspora Existence and the Outlines of a Transylvanian Diaspora Strategy. Summary |
Református Szemle 116.4 (2023) |
Adorjáni Zoltán |
Attila Batizán Has Obtained his PhD Degree |
Református Szemle 116.4 (2023) |
Magyar Balázs Dávid |
Report on the International Calvin-Conference in Grand Rapids, MI |
Református Szemle 116.4 (2023) |
Balogh Béla |
Zsolt Kozma: A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews |
Református Szemle 116.4 (2023) |
Bálint Péter |
The Story of the Wedding in Cana in Folk Narratives The Voracious and Drunken |
Református Szemle 116.4 (2023) |
Bíró Beatrix |
Bibliotherapy and „Bible-therapy” Using Biblical Texts in Bibliotherapy in the Practice of Congregational Pastoral Care. Part 2 |
Református Szemle 116.4 (2023) |