Journal index

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Contributor Title Issue
Debreczeni István Conference Report on the Third Tavaszy Days. March 20–21, 2024 Református Szemle 117.2 (2024)
Kató Szabolcs Ferencz Open Days at the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca Református Szemle 117.2 (2024)
Éles Éva Joint Meeting of the Leaders of the Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék and the Teachers of the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca Református Szemle 117.2 (2024)
Peti Lehel István Máté: Church Service in Kalotaszeg. Life Strategies and Careers of Ministers in the Reformed Church County of Kalotaszeg Református Szemle 117.2 (2024)
Éles Éva Viktor Kókai-Nagy (ed.): Herod Református Szemle 117.2 (2024)
Aalders Maarten Johan A Hungarian Church Secession? Református Szemle 117.2 (2024)
Bajusz Anna The State of Romanian Denominational Schools in Turda-Arieş County at the Turn of the 19th–20th Centuries, as Seen by School Inspector István Téglás Református Szemle 117.2 (2024)
Csukás Gergely Christ and the Church. The Relational Theology of Heinrich Bullinger Református Szemle 117.2 (2024)
Herczeg Pál Baptism in the Acts of the Apostles Református Szemle 117.2 (2024)
Kovács Sándor The Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca Celebrates Its 75th Anniversary Református Szemle 117.1 (2024)
Adorjáni Dezső Zoltán The Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca Celebrates Its 75th Anniversary Református Szemle 117.1 (2024)
Kovács István “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) Református Szemle 117.1 (2024)
Bogdán Szabolcs János “... Be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord...” Református Szemle 117.1 (2024)
Kató Béla Eulogy for the 75th Anniversary of the Protestant Theological Institute Református Szemle 117.1 (2024)
Balogh Csaba The Joint Protestant Theological Training in Cluj-Napoca Celebrates Its 75th Anniversary Református Szemle 117.1 (2024)
Bálint Péter The Phenomenon of Beauty and Ugliness in Religious Folktales (Koré and Tündér Ilona) Református Szemle 117.1 (2024)
Bacsó István Introduction to the Doctrine of Theosis Református Szemle 117.1 (2024)
Ledán M. István Liberality in the Greco-Roman World and New Testament Református Szemle 117.1 (2024)
Név Nélkül Református Szemle (Reformed Review) Volume CXVI, 2023 Table of Contents Református Szemle 116.6 (2023)
Név Nélkül Leuenberg Agreement (Hungarian translation) Református Szemle 116.6 (2023)
Kató Szabolcs Ferencz Leuenberg Agreement at Its Fifty (1973–2023). A Jubilee Meeting Református Szemle 116.6 (2023)
Kovács Sándor The Rector’s Speech at the Opening of the Academic Year Református Szemle 116.6 (2023)
Balogh Csaba The Academic Year 2023–2024 Has Started Református Szemle 116.6 (2023)
Nagy Norbert A Review of Tibor Fabiny: Beyond Literalism. A Meditative Dialogue on Theological Hermeneutics Református Szemle 116.6 (2023)
Nagy Norbert A Review of Oda Wischmeyer (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken. Von Origenes bis zur Gegenwart (Hungarian translation) Református Szemle 116.6 (2023)
Sógor Árpád The Lost Shepherd. Árpád Sógor Is Talking with Márton Járay Református Szemle 116.6 (2023)
Kolumbán Vilmos József The Ethical Codex of the Reformed College of Kolozsvár from 1786 Református Szemle 116.6 (2023)
Lőrinczy Petra The Origin and Characteristics of the Prosperity Theology in North America, and Its Legacy in South Korea in the Light of David Yonggi Cho’s book “The Fourth Dimension” Református Szemle 116.6 (2023)
Éles Éva Where Are the New Heaven and the New Earth? The Second Epistle of Peter and its Eschatological Teaching Református Szemle 116.6 (2023)
Batizán Attila Book review of Stefan Paas: Vreemdelingen en priesters. Christelijke missie in een postchristelijke omgeving. Uitgeverij Boekencentrum, Zoetermeer 2015 Református Szemle 116.5 (2023)
Emődi András The Earliest Calendars of the Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék (Oradea) Református Szemle 116.5 (2023)
Gaál Botond “Out of nothing I have created a new and different world.” How Did Bolyai János Understand This Statement 200 Years Ago? Református Szemle 116.5 (2023)
Fodor László In the Footsteps of the Communion Cup of Érkeserű (Cheșereu) Református Szemle 116.5 (2023)
Bacsó István Grace or Nature? A Possible Approach to the Barth-Brunner Debate Református Szemle 116.5 (2023)
Éles Éva “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ…” A Homiletical Preparation of 2 Corinthians 8,7–9 Református Szemle 116.5 (2023)
Székely József In the Presence of the “I AM” Sermon at the Funeral of Dhc. Dr. Zsolt Kozma Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Balogh Csaba Dhc. Dr. Zsolt Kozma Has Passed Away Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Név Nélkül Memorandum. Coetus Theologorum, 11th of July 2023 Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Balogh Csaba After Ten Years, the Coetus Theologorum Gathered Again in Illyefalva (Ilieni) Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Horváth József God Seduced Us… Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Kovács Sándor The Rector’s Speech Closing the Academic Year Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Balogh Csaba The 2022-2023 Academic Year Was Officially Closed Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Torkos Ákos Farewell speech Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Balogh Csaba The Graduation Ceremony of the Academic Year 2022–2023 at the Protestant Theological Institute Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Batizán Attila The Church as Diaspora. Ecclesiological Contexts of Diaspora Existence and the Outlines of a Transylvanian Diaspora Strategy. Summary Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Adorjáni Zoltán Attila Batizán Has Obtained his PhD Degree Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Magyar Balázs Dávid Report on the International Calvin-Conference in Grand Rapids, MI Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Balogh Béla Zsolt Kozma: A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Bálint Péter The Story of the Wedding in Cana in Folk Narratives The Voracious and Drunken Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Bíró Beatrix Bibliotherapy and „Bible-therapy” Using Biblical Texts in Bibliotherapy in the Practice of Congregational Pastoral Care. Part 2 Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)