Református Szemle 107.5 (2014)


Makkai Péter(481--503)

The integration of people with disabilities is one of the often emerging issues on various forums of the modern democratic society. Governments, local authorities, churches and civil society try to do their best in order to integrate people with disabilities within the educational system, cultural and social life, as well as employment. In the public opinion these efforts are linked with the modern concept of democratic values, equal opportunities and human dignity. It is interesting to see how important the role of disability was in the relationship with the Lord in the narratives about the patriarchs and the elected people of Israel. In the present study we follow the trace the stories of the patriarchs and prophets to find out how disability influenced their life and election.

Old Testament, Spiritualityfogyatékosság, érzékenyítés, egyház és társadalom
Tunyogi Lehel(504--512)

This article presents some specific – mainly linguistic – challenges that a minister living and working in the Transylvanian Reformed diasporas has to face.

Practical theologyszórvány, anyanyelv, elrománosodás, erdélyi református egyház
Ledán M. István(513--531)

In 1519 Erasmus of Rotterdam wrote in a letter to Jacob Hoogstraeten: “If to be a Christian is to hate Jews, then we are all thoroughly Christian.” Our aim is to examine whether this sentence is in any way relevant – evidently under the changed circumstances – in the Transylvanian (Hungarian) Reformed Church. We show that the main cause of occasional anti-Semitism is the anti-Semitic heritage of Christian Church, particularly the anti-Semitic heritage of Protestantism. After facing this heritage, we shape the theological, moral and psychological risks of anti-Semitism / anti-Judaism. We conclude with Walter Brueggemann’s suggestion that the Christian-Jewish relationship needs to be rethought from time to time.

Systematic theologyantiszemitizmus, keresztyén-zsidó polémia, zsidóság
Hermán M. János(532--569)

This study discusses the connections between Kálmán Sass (1904–1958) and the Welti family during the communism in Romania. Kálmán Sass served as a Reformed pastor in Mezőtelegd (1933–1936) and Érmihályfalva (1936–1957). The recently discovered autobiography of Sass reveals the new circumstances from 1942 onwards, and helps to rethink misinterpreted turns in the life and oeuvre of the martyr pastor. During the communist dictatorship in Romania his books and essays were withdrawn from libraries, his name was not even allowed to be mentioned. The bibliography in this study includes various articles of Sass, which disclose his theological and political thinking as a representative of a generation that had had the opportunity to study in Basel, Strasburg and Zürich. The show trial of Kálmán Sass and other anti-communists throughout Partium, following the 1956 Revolution of Hungary is elaborated upon. Sass was executed at Szamosújvár (Gherla, Romania) on December 2, 1958. He has never been rehabilitated. Historian Zoltán Tófalvi concludes: “Of the assassinations, atrocities and wholesale reprisals – ordered by the communist party after the Second World War – we have only piecemeal knowledge in which there are large gaps even now. Many do not even believe that the dictatorship’s executioners carried all this out with such brutality and sadistic pleasure”. The Welti family in Basel and the theological relations in Switzerland between the two world wars were of great importance. In the famous book of Vilmos Balaskó, Life under the ground, we find some information about the Welti family. The discovery of the notebook of Bertha Welti provides us with new and valuable information regarding the church’s history in Eastern Europe.

Church historyBerta Welti-Schneider, Henrik Welti, peregrinatio academica, Svájc, Bázel


Kulcsár Árpád(570--573)

Systematic theologyúrvacsora
Somogyi Botond(573--576)

Practical theology, Spiritualitysermon, prédikációs kötet


Visky Sándor Béla(577--593)

Systematic theologydoctoral thesis, Vladimir Jankélévitch, ethics, filozófia