Der Aufsatz behandelt die theologischen, hermeneutischen und wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Grundfragen der Bibelexegese. Warum bedarf die Bibel einer Interpretation, und warum soll sie wissenschaftlich sein? Nach diesen Fragen wird die historisch-kritische Exegese definiert, sie als die weithin geeignetste Methode für die Auslegung von biblischen Texten aufgezeigt und die Rolle der strukturalistischen, leser-zentrierten und adjektivischen Methoden auf das Feld der Homiletik zugewiesen. Nach der Klärung der Unterschiede zwischen Exegese und Predigt(schreiben) stellt der Aufsatz die theologischen Grundlagen einer positiven Beziehung zwischen historisch-kritischer Exegese und christlichem Glauben vor. Schlüsselwörter: Heilige Schrift, biblische Hermeneutik, Bibelexegese, Exegese des Alten Testaments, Exegetische Methodenlehre, Inspiration, Fehlbarkeit/Unfehlbarkeit der Schrift.
Református Szemle 109.5 (2016)
Old Testament
› Biblia, hermeneutics, exegesis, Old Testament exegesis, bibliatudomány, homiletics
Before the Barthian theology questioning the significance of rhetorics for homiletics has come to influence Hungarian Reformed theological thinking, László Ravasz (1882—1975) had emphasised the importance of aesthetical experience in preaching. Decades long the influence of Karl Barth remained one of the most determining factors in the Hungarian Reformed preaching tradition. Nowadays when the theory of Gerhard Schulze about social experience is increasingly gaining acceptance in several domains of social sciences, the Hungarian reformed theological thinking is again interested in using rhetorics as a helpful tool for homiletics. In this study I search for the significance o f rhetorics for homiletics.
Practical theology
› retorika, homiletika, retorika, sermon
The closing part of this study presents the most important dichotomic and trichotomic anthropological models from the era of Reformation (Erasmus, Calvin, Bullinger, the Confessio Helvetica Posterior, the Heidelberg Catechism, István Szegedi Kis) and provides a synthesis of the anthropological view of 20th century theology (Karl Barth, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Oscar Cullmann, Jenő Sebestyén, István Török, Botond Gaál, and others). The conclusion to the historical presentation is followed by an inquiry into the possibilities to apply the results of the anthropological investigations to other fields of theology.
Keywords: theological anthropology, dichotomy, trichotomy, body, soul, spirit, Erasmus, Cal vin, Bullinger, Heidelberg Catechism, Barth, Pannenberg.
Systematic theology
› teológiai antropológia, anthropology, test, spirit, szellem, John Calvin, Heinrich Bullinger, Heidelbergi Káté
Antonina de Gerando descends on her father’s side from a French noble family, on her mother’s side from the famous Count Teleki family. In this second respect, she was the third educator following her grandmother’s sister (Teréz Brunswick) and her mother’s sister (Blanka Teleki). She studied in France and there she obtained her teacher’s degree. In 1873 she moved to Budapest, where she started to teach in private girls’ schools. In 1880 she was invited to head the newly opened Higher School for Girls from Cluj/Kolozsvár. She directed this school for 32 years. Originally the school was under the jurisdiction of the town council, being overtaken by the state in 1892. In 1900 it moved into the modern school building near the Central Park. All the daughters of the cultured Cluj/Kolozsvár families studied in this school. The beloved headmistress shared some particular ideas, like educating by love and not by using punishments. She got retired in 1912 and died in 1914.
This study presents de Gerando’s activity as a teacher, as the head of her school, her pedagogical ideas, as well the schoolbooks written by her (Mathematics, French, Latin, Music, Pedagogics, Housekeeping).
She also published many translations.
Church history
› Antonina de Gerando, lány iskola, oktatás