A short overview of the scientific life of Dezső Buzogány (born on June 30, 1957) church historian, managing editor of Református Szemle, professor of church history at the Babeş–Bolyai University and associated professor of the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca.
Református Szemle 110.2 (2017)
Zsigmond Varga, snr. was a pioneer in the field of Religious Studies in Hungary. His life and fate remarkably reflects and mirrors the history and fate of Hungary during the historically tense 20th century. The present study attempts to show the connections and reflections between Zsigmond Varga’s life-events and the historical tragedies and developments in Hungary. The seven decades of his life reflects five significant periods of Hungarian history from the very last golden age of Hungary during the end of the 19th century until the post-World War II communist era. The present study argues that the central issue of his legacy is the incorporation of the study of religions in the curriculum of theological training.
Church history, New Testament
› Varga Zsigmond, vallástörténeti iskola, magyar egyháztörténet, görög nyelv
On one occasion Jung asked the awkward question: how can a theologian, who really believes in God, affirm that God does not speak trough dreams? Indeed, may one seriously assert that God corrects, rebukes and encourages us through dreams in these days too? Can dreams help us in tomes of crisis, for instance, in the mourning process? In this paper, we attempt to answer those questions based on the experts of the subject, and taking into consideration the authority of the Bible.
Practical theology
› Carl Gustav Jung, álom, álomértelmezés, álomfejtés, Sigmund Freud, gyász
D. dr. István Tőkés (1917–2016), professor of New Testament, explained the Holy Scriptures as an exegete committed to serving the church, staying on the fundament of the writings of the Reformation. A witness to this attitude is this short personal notice in which he clarifies the meaning of ‘I believe in the Holy Spirit’.
Systematic theology
› Szent Lélek, Apostoli hitvallás
Iván Hadházy was born in Beszterce in 1947 and died painfully young in 1982. He studied Theology in Cluj/Kolozsvár. After graduation he served as a Unitarian minister for a short while, then taught in village schools and worked in the Archives of the Roman Catholic Church. He suffered years of unemployment as nobody dared to offer him a job due to his critical approach to the regime. In his own church, was his greatest support Professor János Erdő, who also preached at his funeral. Rumours told that his death was an “accident” arranged by the Securitate. Without the support of his mother and sister, Iván would have perished both physically and spiritually. These two wonderful women encouraged him in his writing when he called for religious tolerance and the freedom of churches. In his letters, he stood up for the national and cultural rights of the Saxon and Hungarian people and warned against the suppression of minority groups. He tried to air his views by sending his writings to Sándor Huszár and to forums where he thought people would listen.
Church history
› Hadházy Iván, communism, securitate
Addenda to a Volume. Three 17th Century Resolutions from the Protocols of the Partial Synods of the Reformed Diocese of Küküllő
The 17th century sources of the Reformed Diocese of Küküllő describe with unparalleled details the everyday life and humanly character of participants of church life. The disciplinary cases of Bálint Veres Dálnoki and Bálint Márkusfalvi did not disappear without a trace, they were preserved in the records of this period. A research into the personal relations of the persons involved explains why pages were glued and embarrassing resolutions were covered up.
Church history
› erdélyi református egyház, Küküllői Református Egyházmegye, zsinati jegyzőkönyvek, parciális zsinatok, church discipline
In Central and Eastern Europe, the pluriform cultural historical picture was determined by the flourishing of national arts, as well as the arrival and establishment of artists from countries far away. The painter Iacob Graf, spelled in Hungarian as Jakab Gráf, arrived from Switzerland to Transylvania. His heritage is of exceptional documentary value, but he was also a noticeable teacher of art. Through several decades he laid the foundations of the pedagogy of drawing and directed many generations towards the love of arts.
Church history
› Gráf Jakab, művészettörténet
Art historians argue that a painting of Anthony van Dyck from around 1620, kept in the National Gallery of Arts in Budapest, depicts John, the evangelist. However, nothing on the painting confirms this interpretation. In his short study, minister and painter Áron Bak, brings art historical and biblical arguments that the painting does not represent the evangelist John but Jesus Christ accepting the cup of suffering.
New Testament, Art history
› művészettörténet, art and the Bible
The “New Homiletic” Movement and the Renewal of the Protestant Preaching in America. Summary and theses
› Practical theology
› doktoravatás, homiletika
› Practical theology
› doctoral thesis, Koppándi Botond, homiletics, "New homiletics" movement