Református Szemle 110.4 (2017)


Adorjáni Zoltán(349--362)

Diese Arbeit ist die redaktierte Wiedergabe jenes Vortrags, der im Herbst 2016 im christlichkulturellen Zentrum, Posticum (Oradea/Großwardein) gehalten wurde, mit dem Zweck dem Ökumenismus Wege zu öffnen und die Annäherung zwischen den Konfessionen zu fördern. Die Arbeit zeigt zuerst den geschichtlichen Hintergrund der jüdisch-samaritanischen Feindschaft. Es werden aus der Begegnugsgschichte Jesu mit der Samaritanerin solche Momente hervorgehoben, die im konfessionellen Zwiegespräch paradigmatisch gelten könnten.

New Testamentújszövetségi exegézis, samáriai asszony, samaritánusok, János 4
Ledán M. István(363--378)

Biblical dreams are obviously very important for those who deal with the history or psychology of dreams. The question is whether they are indeed relevant also for the catechesis? This study argues that biblical stories in which dreams play a great importance could and should be presented through the lenses of these dreams. By means of the dreams of Joseph and the vision of Peter we aim to sketch the catechetical potential of the biblical stories.

Practical theology álom, álomértelmezés, katechézis
Hermán M. János(379--438)

Abraham Kuyper’s travels to Romania (1905) and Hungary (1916) is not widely known. In his travel book entitled Om de oude Wereld-zee (Around the Ancient World Sea), he describes his traveling around the Mediterranean Sea. The first chapter of his book outlines the threats coming from Asia and an analysis of Islam. The book also contains sixty pages about Romania in which Kuyper compares Romania to Belgium. Kuyper was also received by the Romanian royal family. He foresees a great future for the Romanian people, even though they do not excel in practicing their orthodox faith.

Church historyAbraham Kuyper, holland-magyar kapcsolatok, Horváth László, communism



Kurta József Tibor(446--448)

Church historyexhibition, könyvtár, peregrináció, peregrinációs emlékkönyv
Adorjáni Zoltán(448--449)

OtherVarga László, gyászjelentés
Szűcs Ferenc(449--451)

OtherVarga László, megemlékezés
Juhász Tamás(452--454)

OtherVarga László, megemlékezés