Református Szemle 111.1 (2018)


Adorjáni Zoltán(7--24)

Diese Arbeit ist eine redaktierte Version eines Vortrags. Darin werden die Eroberungen von Alexander des Großen und die palästinischen Ereignisse in der Regierungszeit der Ptolemaischen und Seleukidischen Könige skizziert. Es wird hier, auf dem Grunde des 1 Makkabäer dargestellt, wie sich die typologische Schriftauslegung im Laufe des 2. Jahrhunderts nach Christus erneuert und verstärkt hat.

Old Testament, Judaicaírásmagyarázat, intertestamentális kor, makkabeusok, Nagy Sándor, prófécia, 1 Makkabeusok
Kovács Kristián(25--35)

Following the democratic transformations of 1989, the churches in Hungary had to face the altering of their former social position. While the churches were not neglected anymore, they were unprepared to occupy their places in the civil society. The change was especially challenging for local congregations who had to fight the eroding folk church structures. Should the church wish to occupy a prominent position in the civil society, serious social commitment and proper mediation of the Gospel are both equally important. The church needs to take a proactive role.

Systematic theologyegyház és társadalom, egyház és politika, népegyház
Visky Sándor Béla(36--46)

This paper is an analysis of the text entitled Pardonner?, published in 1971 by the French philosopher Vladimir Jankélévitch. This paper is, to a certain extent, a counterpoint, to Jankélévitch’s earlier writing, Le Pardon (1967). This earlier publication is a calm indicative, while the later publication poses a question: Pardonner? Of course, this latter is not a suspension of what had been written before, but it shows that the creative yes of forgiveness can easily be made irrational and, thus, questionable by a lack of repentance, the tormentor’s arrogance which leads him to think he is indeed worthy of the immeasurable gift offered to him by the victim.

Systematic theologyVladimir Jankélévitch, repentance, forgiveness
Tonhaizer Tibor(47--55)

Even though the ancient solar cult goes back to the early days of the Roman Republic, it had to wait for a long time to gain far-reaching acceptance. Emperors were fond of increasing the influence of Deus Sol in society on both political and religious grounds. Initially, they took great care to ensure that their personal prestige remained more important than that particular influence. However, during the late Principate-period, with the continuous growth of syncretistic and monotheistic tendencies, the cult of the Sol Invictus increased the people’s reverence towards the ‘creators’ of the cult. The purpose of this study is to examine this process in the light of religious policy and philosophical research.

Church historyszinkretizmus, neoplatonizmus, sztoicizmus, Roman Empire, religion and politics
Kolumbán Vilmos József(56--61)

The attack against the ideas of illumination was at the same time the last desperate attempt of the Transylvanian reformed orthodox theology at the Synod of Küküllővár in 1791, when János Zilahi Sebes and János Bodola were indicted for spreading the teachings of arminian, socionian and pelagian theology. He defended himself in an exhaustive testimony and also defended the book of the German reformed professor, Samuel Endemann, used in Transylvanian schools as manual of dogmatic theology.

Church historyZilahi Sebes János, heterodoxy, Protestant orthodoxy, predesztináció, forrásközlés, church discipline, felvilágosodás
Kolumbán Vilmos József(62--78)

This paper presents the apology of János Bodola, professor of Nagyenyed, accused of heresy in 1791. Like his accused associate, Bodola also dismissed the charge of heresy, but did not deny that theological thinking should be renewed. In his letter, he also rejected Arminian, Pelagian, and Universalist accusations, stood up to Samuel Endemann’s orthodoxy, and condemned the lack of consensus among the confessions. According to his letter, Bodola was a supporter of the Reformed liberal orthodoxy who in matters of principles of faith remained devoted to the creeds of reformed confessions, without secluding himself from the innovations within theology.

Church historyforrásközlés, Bodola János, heterodoxia, protestáns ortodoxia, church discipline
Hermán M. János(79--89)

Mrs. Csekefalvi Tamás Béláné recorded some valuable data concerning the pastoral care of hundreds of Reformed and Catholic people who became refugees in 1940, when they left their village Györgyfalva and fled to the nearby city of Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca. This Christian lady was also involved in cultural and social work which she pursued together with others, and so she organised the “Cultural Association for Refugees from Györgyfalva”. The Association took up the education and cultural entertainment of the younger refugees, and the high standards of these activities were also applied to the cultivation of the rich traditions of the people of village Györgyfalva. The committee members – a list of their names was preserved –, helped the refugees to find work, and assisted those sent to court-martial to gain back their freedom. During the communist era in Romania it was not possible to share these stories of personal or communal suffering.

Church historyforrásközlés, Györgyfalva, Második Világháború, menekültek


Székely József(90--92)

Practical theologylelkipásztori szolgálat
Ida Eldering(98--100)

Old TestamentTóra
Szigeti Jenő(100--101)

Old TestamentPéldabeszédek könyve
Szigeti Jenő(101--102)

Old TestamentPéldabeszédek könyve
