N. T. Wright’s approach to the historical-Jesus-debate throws a new light on the resurrection quest. In his view, the ultimate question of the ’resurrection research’ should be: what happened on that first Easter that has ultimately led to the early Christianity and its faith? Early Christianity’s answer is that Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, has risen. Nobody was there on that moment and still, we have two historically secure indications: the empty grave and Jesus’ appearances. These two are important and appropriate backgrounds for the belief that Jesus was really risen from the dead.
Református Szemle 111.2 (2018)
Is It Possible to Verify Historically the Resurrection of Jesus?. A Presentation of the Viewpoint of Nicholas Thomas Wright
New Testament
› történeti Jézus, resurrection, N. T. Wright, historical criticism
The Timely Character of Dialogue. The Problem of Creation in Theology and Natural Sciences. The Synthesis of László Ravasz
This paper discusses the necessity of dialogue about the topic of creation among theology, philosophy and natural sciences. I argue that philosophy has a bridge-building role between theology and natural sciences. I aim to show why the mediation of philosophy cannot be neglected, and why a holistic approach in such an important theme as creation is necessary. I shall also invoke the ideas of László Ravasz (1882–1975) and point out that the synthesis which he argued for in his scientific papers is still useful today.
Systematic theology
› teremtés, teológia és természettudományok, missziológia, Ravasz László
This text edition presents the opinion of the Reformed bishop, Zsigmond Eperjesi, and the eparchial notary, Máté Keresztes, in the case of Samuel Endemann. As their documents make clear, the bishop and the eparchial notary were representatives of the orthodox Reformed church, and determined supporters of the creeds of the traditional Reformed church. The letter reveals that the investigation of Endemann was initiated by the leaders of the Reformed church. In his letter, the bishop briefly stated his view that Endemann’s manual contradicted the creeds of the Reformed Church in Transylvania, even if in these ideas had long been canonized in Western theological thought. Following the Endemann investigations, János Bodola and János Zilahi Sebes received instructions from the Consistory and the Reformed Church leadership that Endemann’s manuals should not be used in educating systematic theology.
Church history
› protestáns ortodoxia, heterodoxia, Endemann-per, 18. századi egyháztörténet
Towards the end of 1918, the Kingdom of Hungary was close to a collapse. Diplomatic interventions of all kinds tried to prevent this, and the Protestant churches were also asked to intervene. The Hungarian churches sent a delegation to The Netherlands. Members of these delegations, among them Géza Antal and Jenő Sebestyén, spoke with a number of Protestant sympathizers, like A. Kuyper and H. Colijn. The Dutch Protestant churches issued a statement warning against the danger that was threatening the Protestants in Hungary. According to Antal they were the first to issue a warning. But was there really an official report? Until now my research has not led to any firm indication in this respect.
Church history
› holland-magyar kapcsolatok, Trianon
› Old Testament, New Testament
› Jézus csodái, Ószövetségi idézetek az Újszövetségben, doctoral thesis
› Old Testament, New Testament
› Jézus csodái, csodaelbeszélés, csoda, doctoral thesis
› Old Testament, New Testament
› conference, biblikus konferencia, Romániai Biblikusok Egyesülete