Református Szemle 111.3 (2018)


Erős Joó Béla(253--277)

Jesus refers to the Law when the Scribes and Pharisees accuse a woman of adultery: “the hands of the witnesses shall be the first raised against the person to execute the death penalty” (Deut 17,7). According to Károly Balázs, the word avnama,rthtoj ‘without sin’ used in the Gospel is etymologically related to ma,rturoj ‘witness’. If he is right, this might shed a new light on our interpretation of this pericope, as well as our view of sin in general. On the other hand, if there is no such relationship, the reference to the law raises the possibility of false witnessing. None of the accusers dared to raise his hand against the accused woman.

New Testamentexegesis, újszövetségi exegézis, törvény, sin, János 8
Gánóczy Sándor(278--286)

Why is there such an interest among modern Christians, in particular Reformed and Lutheran theologians, for Jesuit spiritual exercises? My answer can only be hypothetical. But one thing is certain. The spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola have an immortal soul. Thus, despite the old-fashioned character of some of its parts seeking for a reformation, in its entirety, it is able to promise spiritual benefits to Christians in this modern world as well.

Systematic theology, Church history, Spiritualitylelkiség, lelkigyakorlat, John Calvin, Loyolai Ignác
Petrov Anita(287--305)

This study deals with the life and works of minister, teacher and bishop Lajos Erőss (1857– 1911). The first part of the article focuses on his theological studies. In the second part, we address various aspects of his ministry in the church and his activity as a bishop.

Church historybiography, lifework, Erőss Lajos, Debreceni Református Kollégium
Gaal György(306--336)

This study presents the life and activity of Sándor Berde (1856–1894). Berde was born in a little village in Seklers’ Land. He studied in and graduated from the Reformed College of Nagyenyed (Aiud). He continued his studies in Vienna, Jena and Basel. He became an adherent of the liberal theology having a predilection for scientific results instead of the old religious teachings. During his studies in Jena, he specialized himself in New Testament theology. After his return to Transylvania, he became the missionary minister of the parish in Kackó (Câţcău). Eight other villages belonged to his parish. The Hungarian population lived very scattered in this area, continually diminishing in number. So the minister was in a very difficult situation. In 1889 Berde took the private-docent-exam at the Nagyenyed Theological Academy. This was the period of the foundation of the Reformed Theological Faculty of Kolozsvár (Cluj). So the Church Council elected Berde as a professor of the Faculty in Kolozsvár, and sent him temporarily to teach at Nagyenyed. This was a very unpleasant situation. He taught there New Testament for four school years being much appreciated by his colleagues and the students. He died of tuberculosis. Though he was the very first professor of the Faculty of Kolozsvár, he is never mentioned as such in historical works. He is mostly appreciated as the father of his children: one daughter became a novelist, the other a painter; the youngest son was a famous dermatologist.

Church historybiography, lifework, Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca, Berde Sándor


Koppándi Botond(337--340)

VariousProtestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca, rektor, Rezi Elek
Sógor Árpád(340--344)

Variousverses kötet, lelkészgyermekek


Zamfir Korinna(345--348)

Doctor honoris causa címmel tüntették ki dr. Gánóczy Sándor emeritus professzort Kolozsváron.

Systematic theology, Church historydíszdoktor-avatás
Székely József(349--355)

Doktori címet szerzett Székely József.

Practical theologydoctoral thesis, lelkészi identitás
Gonda László(355--358)

Practical theologydoctoral thesis, lelkészi identitás