Diese Studie hebt aufgrund Kolosser 2,8–15 hervor, daß sowohl die alttestamentliche Beschneidung, als auch die neutestamentliche Taufe character indelibile sind. Wer an Beschneidung teil hatte, lebt erstens in der Gemeinschaft Gottes Erwählten, zweitens wird er dadurch verpflichtet nach Gottes Willen zu leben. Die Taufe bedeutet Gemeinschaft mit Christus, mit seinem Tod, seiner Begrabung und Auferstehung. Die Taufe ist nicht bloß Freisprechung von den Sünden, sondern auch eine Befreiung aus der Gewalt geistiger und kosmischer Mächte. Auf diese Weise schließt die Taufe jede andere Knechtschaft, jeden Dienst und etwaige Gehorsamkeit aus. Im Briefe an die Galater 2, 20 wird die neue Existenz der Getauften folgendermaßen zusammengefaßt: Mit Christus bin auch ich gekreuzigt: ich lebe aber doch nun nicht ich, sondern Christus lebt in mir.
Református Szemle 113.1 (2020)
For centuries, our hymnbooks bring to the fore not only the issue of musical literacy but also tradition. The Reformed church singing in Transylvania and the Partium was determined by traditions rather than by the sheet music itself. From the beginning of the 19th century the Transylvanian hymnbooks were created under the influence of the spirit of the time. A typical example of this is the hymnbook edited under the influence of theological rationalism in 1837. The hymnbook, edited by Seprődi János in 1908, only partially corrected the melody deterioration while the edition of 1923 further preserved the sorting of cut and leveled melodies, which lacked psalms and old Hungarian songs. If we compare the 1837 hymnbook with the one published in 1921 in Debrecen, which also provides balanced melodies, we can see that melodies enriched with melisma remain in practice in Transylvania and this tradition is still preserved in many places to this day.
› énekeskönyv, református énekek, Kolozsvár
In this paper I examined one of the effects of László Ravasz’s theological thinking, namely the development of his spiritual life and its impact on his position as a scholar of theology. Due to the limitations of the scope of this paper, I present the lesser known views of Ravasz’s work on mission. Among others, John R. Mott’s lecture in Cluj-Napoca provides clues that the young Ravasz approached the tasks of pastoral ministry, preaching, dissemination of the gospel, theological education in a modern and relevant manner. This approach was not perfect, but it helped to bring about a new impetus for the Hungarian Protestant worldview that was stuck in rationalism and liberalism and for Protestant theology in general to start off towards the dialectical theology. Ravasz was an authentic representative of this transition
Practical theology
› mission
When speaking of Reformation and Humanism, we tend to connect them to each other. But as we come closer to the essence of each, we discover their substantially different nature. The gist of Humanism is the human nature. On statues and paintings of the Renaissance the man is portrayed as a great, powerful, almost almighty person. On the other hand, Reformation places God, Christ, salvation, reconciliation etc. at the centre of its teaching. Humans are included too, but only as sideliners, as weak, infirm, needy, helpless figures. Nevertheless, Reformation has benefited to a significant extent from Humanism via its emphasis on the grammar for mastering the languages of the Scripture (Hebrew and Greek), dialectics striving to a better understanding of the scriptural message, and rhetorics as a substantial technical help spreading the Gospel. Therefore, teaching these disciplines at the universities of the Reformation has become of major importance during the 16th century.
Church history
› Reformation, humanism, sermon, bibliai nyelvek, dialektika, retorika
› Systematic theology
› ethics, társadalmi etika, religion and politics, egyház és politika