1 Peter 3:18–22 is one of the strangest and most difficult texts of the Scriptures. The paraenesis addressing the unjustly suffering Christians in Asia Minor is amended by a confession of faith. The pericope testifies that the death, resurrection, ascension and redemption of Christ has much broader spatial and temporal implications than one might think at first. This article aims to mark the exegetical and theological coordinates of the mysterious encounter between Christ and the souls in prison. Three questions will be explored: Who are these souls? What did Christ preach them about? When did the encounter take place?
Református Szemle 115.3 (2022)
New Testament
› pokolra szállás, eschatology, death, life after death, kis-ázsiai keresztyénség, 1 Péter
In this paper I examine the first collection of sermons of László Ravasz, published by him between 1903–1910 in several journals, such as the Református Szemle, the Protestáns Prédikátori Tár, the Protestáns Szemle, and later in his book entitled Ez ama Jézus. These sermons stage the first steps of Ravasz in the field of homiletics and preaching, being influenced and inspired by well-known Western European preachers, as well as his Transylvanian mentors. His preaching from this period testifies to the influence of liberal theology, but he also brings in new and original perspectives into the content, structure and style, furnishing some long-term perspectives for the Hungarian Reformed preaching.
Practical theology
› homiletics, sermon, liberális teológia, Ravasz László
Folklorists remain indebted to this day for exploring the possible occurrences of Jesus-patterns in folktales: this is a gap that I aim to fill in this study. The storytellers of the Carpathian Basin were fond of creating parallels between the life and deeds of the fairy-tale hero and Jesus. The narration of the miraculous birth, the divine origin, the hidden childhood, the healing activity, the crucifixion, the underworld passage, and the resurrection as parabolic narratives are presented in plentiful variants. The similarities and differences show that in peasant communities Jesus was imagined as an ordinary man, a teacher and a helper of the poor. The image of Jesus in the tale narratives sheds light on the mindset and vernacular language of local religious communities.
Systematic theology, Other
› népmese, Jézus Krisztus, Jézus-mintázat, forráskritika, népi vallásosság, hitelesség
The Second Vienna Award brought a positive turn for the Hungarians living in Northern Transylvania, which was also reflected in the academic life. In our study, we examine the impact of the return to the motherland on the work of theological teachers. Református Szemle was one of the most important press organs of Transylvanian Reformed Church, and we will examine the writings, editorials and articles published there. The articles of the year 1940 are examined in more detail. During this year, four teachers (Tavaszy, Gönczy, Imre, Nagy) had their writings published in the Református Szemle. We analyse their writings exploring the eventual influence of the aftermath of the Second Vienna Award on the style, message and theme of their writings.
Church history
› Észak-Erdély, Második Bécsi Döntés, Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca, teológiai tanárok, publikációs tevékenység
Michael Welker: Isten Lelke. A Szentlélek teológiája. Michael Welker: Gottes Geist. Theologie des Heiligen Geistes
› Systematic theology
› Szent Lélek