Református Szemle 115.5 (2022)


Nagy József(479--498)

This study seeks to unfold the meaning of Col 3:11, comparing it to Gal 3:28 and 1 Cor 12:13. Despite the recurring terms “Greek and Jew” or “slave and free”, the three texts cannot be proven to represent any fixed form of speech. All three lists should be interpreted within their own settings. Accordingly, within the context of the Epistle to the Colossians, and especially Col 3:5–17, it can be concluded that, in contrast to the catalogue of offences mentioned in vss. 5 and 8–9, none of the characters listed in Col 3:11 are incompatible with the new man, nor with the set of Christian virtues in vss. 12–17. Depending on the available data, the individual terms of vs. 11 are interpreted within the larger Pauline corpus as well.

New Testamentexegesis, Kolosséi levél, keresztség, körülmetélkedés
Kocsev Miklós(499--510)

Authenticity as a way of being has been considered one of the defining concepts of a minister’s life. The current lecture aims to pinpoint three major issues related to this subject, namely authenticity in a minister’s relation to the Word, to the organization and to himself/herself. This presentation can more appropriately be regarded as a summary of a professional life rather than a full-fledged scientific enquiry. It aims to provide an opportunity to reflect on one’s human and professional credibility.

Practical theologylelkészi identitás, lelkészképzés, hitelesség, szolgálat, lelkipásztori szolgálat, szakmai életút
Nagy Eszter(511--532)

“People are not a machines, because if they were, in an emergency situation they would know which button to press or which screw to tighten in order to get their machine working again” – maintains Rolf Theolbold, minister and practical theologian, author of the book. Rolf Theolbold presents the basics and possibilities of short-term pastoral care in a plain language. How “short” is short-term pastoral care? How can it help those longing for a solution to their spiritual problems? This book was written for people who want to help others but often have little time to do so. From a rich repertoire of modern short-term therapy methods, it offers practical suggestions on how to provide useful pastoral care in a short time frame. The author encourages the reader to experience with the presented short-term methods of pastoral care and to discover the rich possibilities it offers despite the limited time available. The first six chapters of the book focus on the theoretical foundations, while the rest of the book provides the methodological underpinnings.

Practical theologylelkigondozás, rendszerszemlélet, terápia
Simon Attila(533--546)

This short study, drawing on a small part of Calvin’s vast written corpus, seeks to show how the reformer used the concepts of eternal life and death. Tackling with uncertainties on the fringes of eschatology, Calvin shows how difficult it is to grasp the meaning of these two concepts, even when the theologian stands on firm biblical theological grounds. The commentaries of Calvin on the Book of Psalms and the Gospel of John, as well as his letters give a sense of the changes that man, the creation of God, must undergo in order to be able to find relief from the severe ordeal of facing death and to be helped by the hope of eternal life. It is God’s grace that lifts man up from the state of death so that his unstable life may find stability.

Systematic theologyJohn Calvin, death, life after death
Miklós-Kovács Tamás(547--562)

The main theme of my writing is Jonathan Edwards’ reflection on the beauty of God. In his writings and sermons, God’s beauty is not coherently defined, but fragments of his thinking on beauty can be found throughout in his works. My research does not aim at providing a coherent picture of Edwards’ views on God’s beauty. Edwards did not provide any consistent criteria of beauty and the qualities that are true of God, so that we have no easy task when we want to capture and summarise his views. In the last part of my work, I translated the most frequently quoted sermon of Jonathan Edwards: ‟God is Infinitely Exalted in Gloriousness and Excellency above All Created Beings.”

Systematic theology, Church historyJonathan Edwards, puritanizmus, esztétika, szépség
Gombár Sándor(563--567)

Church history, Practical theologyRavasz László


Kulcsár Árpád(568--572)

Practical theologyprédikálás, sermon, tanúságtétel
Gaal György(578--585)

Church historylelkészcsalád, családtörténet


Balogh Csaba(586--587)

OtherProtestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca, akadémiai évnyitó
Kovács Sándor(587--594)

OtherProtestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca, akadémiai évnyitó, rektori beszéd