erdélyi református egyház

The Organisation of the Reformed Church of Transylvania in the 16th Century. (I.)


The structure of the Transylvanian Reformed Church in the 16–17th centuries showed many similarities to the West-European Reformed church models. Except for the institution of elders (Presbiterium), all other church institutions were established as early as the middle of the 16th century. The main cause of the lack of the institution of elders was the dissimilarity in the struc- ture of the society.

László Musnai (1888–1967). A Sketch of His Life


László Musnai, pastor and theology professor. His work and activity can not be listed into one specific theological area. Considering his basic qualification, he is a New Testament scholar, on which field he has written his phd thesis. But if we look at his other books and publications we can say, that he is as good in Bible-translating or in church history, as in biblical studies. As far as his social and educational activity is concerned, he was a prominent church leader and appreciated teacher as well.

Addenda to a Volume


The 17th century sources of the Reformed Diocese of Küküllő describe with unparalleled details the everyday life and humanly character of participants of church life. The disciplinary cases of Bálint Veres Dálnoki and Bálint Márkusfalvi did not disappear without a trace, they were preserved in the records of this period. A research into the personal relations of the persons involved explains why pages were glued and embarrassing resolutions were covered up.

Situation Report Based on the Official Visits to the Reformed Congregations of Transylvania

This paper is a revised version of a lecture presented on October 16, 2018, in a conference entitled “Diminishing Church, Increasing Responsibilities”, organised by the Union of Reformed Ministers in Transylvania. The author, general director of the Reformed Church District of Transylvania, sketches the new challenges awaiting the church workers of diminishing congregations in the fields of catechisation, bible study, youth work, diaconia, and leader training.