
The Phenomenon of Beauty and Ugliness in Religious Folktales (Koré and Tündér Ilona)


The representation and perception of female beauty and ugliness in tale narratives varies depending on the situation. Both phenomena are accompanied by ethical and existential pre-dicates. For centuries, church teachings have determined the peasant perception of beauty and seduction with beauty. The preachers’ exhortations and parables often appear in the parable tales, which fit in with the moral order of the local community.

The Heart as a Means of Cognition

The main theme of my writing is Jonathan Edwards’ reflection on the beauty of God. In his writings and sermons, God’s beauty is not coherently defined, but fragments of his thinking on beauty can be found throughout in his works. My research does not aim at providing a coherent picture of Edwards’ views on God’s beauty. Edwards did not provide any consistent criteria of beauty and the qualities that are true of God, so that we have no easy task when we want to capture and summarise his views.