Old Testament
A Review of Oda Wischmeyer (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken. Von Origenes bis zur Gegenwart (Hungarian translation)
Bibliotherapy and "Bible-therapy"
The concise concept of bibliotherapy encapsulates its fundamental principles: healing through literature. The method’s positive outcomes have spurred a resurgence in research, training and practical application in recent decades. In Hungary, this approach has yielded fruitful results, diversifying traditional psychological sessions and other forms of individual and group support, making it more accessible to those who may have hesitated to seek help otherwise.
Closing Words during the Book Presentation of Oda Wischmeyer (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken. Von Origenes bis zur Gegenwart
Oda Wischmeyer (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken. Von Origenes bis zur Gegenwart. Hungarian translation
“Their Worm Shall Not Die” (Isa 66:24)
Suffering is a mystery. Both the blasphemer and the righteous suffer. Jesus himself did not reveal the reason why the man in Jerusalem was born blind (Jn 9). But he did reveal, and gave countless examples, of what to do with those who were suffering. And whoever takes up any person who has fallen into misery, in him the power of God is at work. Our embracing of others is the same act of comforting and healing of body and soul miracle that God has done and is doing.
קהלת - A Real Person or a Code?
The Book of Qohelet awakes curiosity in the reader already because of its title. In assigning a title to this book, modern translations of Qohelet follow the trace of the Old Greek of the LXX (Ecclesiastes, Der Prediger). It is striking, however, that the title Qohelet appears mostly in the framing chapters of the book, where it is enhanced with a few (fictitious) biographical notes. Beyond the framing sections, Qohelet appears only once more, where the commentators suggest to be considered a descriptive note (comment), probably a gloss.
Heinz Dieter Neef: Geschichte, Schuld und Rettung. Studien zur Redaktion, Komposition und Theologie von Ri 1,1–3,30
הבל – Vanitas-paraphrases in the Book of Qohelet
The Hebrew root הבל is one of the most frequent expressions of the book of Qohelet, so to say one of the keywords of his theology. Besides, within the entire Old Testament, this term appears most frequently in this book. Insofar as הבל carries a value judgment for the message of Qohelet, this term is hugely important. Within the history of research, scholars either concentrate on specific loci of the occurrences or focus on the Hebrew expression in general.