Rector’s Closing Address (2023–2024) Contributor Kovács Sándor Issue reference Református Szemle 117.3 (2024)
The Academic Year 2023–2024 is Closed Contributor Balogh Csaba Issue reference Református Szemle 117.3 (2024)
Twenty Reformed Students Graduated from the Theological Institute Contributor Balogh Csaba Issue reference Református Szemle 117.3 (2024)
Greeting Dezső Kállay at His Sixty-Five Contributor Balogh Csaba Issue reference Református Szemle 117.3 (2024)
Greeting Dezső Kállay at His Sixty-Five Contributor Balogh Csaba Issue reference Református Szemle 117.3 (2024)
The Awards of the 27th Transylvanian Scientific Student Conference Contributor Balogh Csaba Issue reference Református Szemle 117.3 (2024)
The Bearer of our Destiny. The Memory of Sándor Csép. Compiled by Júlia Albert. Edited by Gyula H. Szabó Contributor Maksay Ágnes Issue reference Református Szemle 117.3 (2024)