
The Phenomenon of Beauty and Ugliness in Religious Folktales (Koré and Tündér Ilona)


The representation and perception of female beauty and ugliness in tale narratives varies depending on the situation. Both phenomena are accompanied by ethical and existential pre-dicates. For centuries, church teachings have determined the peasant perception of beauty and seduction with beauty. The preachers’ exhortations and parables often appear in the parable tales, which fit in with the moral order of the local community.

Jesus-patterns in Folktales


Folklorists remain indebted to this day for exploring the possible occurrences of Jesus-patterns in folktales: this is a gap that I aim to fill in this study. The storytellers of the Carpathian Basin were fond of creating parallels between the life and deeds of the fairy-tale hero and Jesus. The narration of the miraculous birth, the divine origin, the hidden childhood, the healing activity, the crucifixion, the underworld passage, and the resurrection as parabolic narratives are presented in plentiful variants.

Jesus-patterns in Folktales


Folklorists remain indebted to this day for exploring the possible occurrences of Jesus-patterns in folktales: this is a gap that I aim to fill in this study. The storytellers of the Carpathian Basin were fond of creating parallels between the life and deeds of the fairy-tale hero and Jesus. The narration of the miraculous birth, the divine origin, the hidden childhood, the healing activity, the crucifixion, the underworld passage, and the resurrection as parabolic narratives are presented in plentiful variants.

“For a Stepchild is Only a Stepchild!”


In the folktales of the ethnicities of the Carpathian Basin, the phenomenon of stepchildhood (due to orphanhood, separation, removal from home, transfer or remarriage) occurs quite frequently. This phenomenon has been thoroughly mapped by mythologists and folklorists, by exegetes and prominent scholars of medieval and modern history from the perspective of different disciplines.