Ábel Juhász Has Obtained his PhD Degree Contributor Adorjáni Zoltán Issue reference Református Szemle 116.3 (2023)
István Ledán M. has Obtained his PhD Contributor Adorjáni Zoltán Issue reference Református Szemle 113.6 (2020)
17–18th Century Textiles in the Reformed Diocese of Küküllő Contributor Tamás Iringó Issue reference Református Szemle 107.3 (2014)
Dávid Sipos Obtained His PhD Contributor Adorjáni Zoltán Issue reference Református Szemle 109.6 (2016)
A “Dialogue” with Chrysostom about the Free Will in Calvin’s Institutes Contributor Papp György Issue reference Református Szemle 109.2 (2016)
The “New Homiletic” Movement and the Renewal of the Protestant Preaching in America Contributor Koppándi Botond Issue reference Református Szemle 110.2 (2017)
Evaluation of the PhD thesis of István Vitus-Bulbuk: Suffering-Satisfaction- Fulfillment according to the Book of Job. Pastoral-psychological Reflections Contributor Hézser Gábor Issue reference Református Szemle 111.1 (2018)