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Riemer Roukema299 -- 306

A bibliahamisítók: Miként vezetnek félre minket az igazságot illetően (Die Bibelfälscher. Wie wir um die Wahrheit betrogen werden) című könyvében Klaus Berger az Újszövetség történetkritikai módszerrel végzett egzegézisét bírálja. Bár polémiában sok mindent kifogásolhatunk, könyve mégis figyelemre méltó, és teológiai törekvését/szándékát komolyan kell vennünk.

Református Szemle 110.3 (2017)Recenzió, kritika
Csendes László534 -- 561

Kelet-Európa egyházainak közelmúltját kutatva sokszor távolinak tűnő dolgokon keresztül ismerünk önmagunkra, míg közvetlen közelünk­ben inkább azt látjuk meg, ami megkülönböztet minket ezektől a dolgoktól. Néha titokzatos alakok bukkannak fel előttünk, máskor pedig ismert közsze­replők eddig ismeretlen vagy kevésbé ismert tetteiről hullik le a lepel, s mindez új megvilágításba helyezi a régi dolgokat. Mintha csak Leszek Kolakowski mondása igazolódna be, miszerint a történelem nem tanít sem viselkedni, sem sikeressé válni, viszont elmondja, kik is vagyunk valójában.

Református Szemle 108.5 (2015)SzaktanulmányEgyháztörténet
Kis Juhász Vilmos779 -- 799

Hymnology in the 16–17th Century Reformed Church of Transylvania. The religious experience, the belief in God and in God’s power has always influenced the society. The 16th century’s reformation defined and still defines Europe’s and the world’s social, religious, political and economical aspect. There were radical changes on the fields of theology, literature, liturgy, in religious songs, printing, school system, and syllabus within it. The new teaching of the reformers needed a new form of worship which preserved some of the old elements, formed, recreated them according to his needs. This way the religious hymn in stanzas was born in people’s native language, so as the metrical psalms in native language and humanist metrical folk songs. Their Hungarian origins are the historical songs of the previous century, songs translated by Luther as German origin and the psalms propagated by Kálvin as French protestant source. The graduals of course (In Transylvania mainly the Öreg Graduál) transmitted the structure of the ancient liturgy but neglecting the non biblical thesis (e.g. the hymns of the saints). There were other influences in smaller extent such as the songs of the Morvian brothers and the creations of Unitarian authors. The new form of worship took over from the graduals the medieval hymns, antiphones, sequences and psalms. On the pattern of the historical songs the first biblical histories were written in the time of reformation. The majority of these deal with Old Testament themes, but we can find some stories of the apocryphal books. The best known authors are: Tinódi Lantos Sebestyén, Gosárvári Mátyás, Valkai András, Temesvári János, Temesvári István, Nagybánkai Mátyás, Görcsönyi Ambrus, Tőke Ferenc, Csanádi Demeter, Salánki György, Tardi György, Sztárai Mihály, Mádai Mihály, Szegedi András, Ilosvai Selymes Péter, Hunyadi Ferenc, and others. Their works were published in Kolozsvár and Debrecen in the publishing houses of Heltai, Hofgreff and Komlósi. The collections of historical songs published in the 16th century are: a Hoffgreff Cancionale, Cronica by Tinódi and Cancionale of Heltai. Besides the graduals the folk songs in native language became organic part of the worship. They are even more oftenly used at the influence of the puritan movement from the second half of the 16th century. In the hymnbooks of the time there are translated songs but original Hungarian works as well. The most significant songs were published in the hymnbook of Gálszécsi István, in the Hymnbook from Várad, and later in the Hymnbook form Debrecen. The nearly 40 publishing of this latter hymnbook defined the songrepertory of the Hungarian protestant churches of 16th and 17th century.

Református Szemle 100.4 (2007)SzaktanulmányEgyháztörténet
Kelemen Attila348 -- 356

Evangelisation through reformed eyes. This study was presented at a small conference of reformed and catholic theologians. The presentation of evangelisation through a reformed prism is underlined by thoughts of great reformed predecessors. There are five points, all presenting a different aspect of this question. The first treats the fashion of evangelisation. Because of the fact that evangelisation, as a term is not firmly identified, using different slogans and dealing with evangelisation as a fashion could be dangerous. This is why a good definition with the approval of all Christian churches is needed. Another important thought of this first point is the fact, that evangelisation is not new, by no means a fashion, it is only the submission to an ancient, biblical command of the great mission. The second point presents the biblical roots of evangelisation through the New Testament, with the conclusion, that evangelisation has to be done within and outside the church, and that preaching itself is in fact evangelisation. The third point explains the slightly synonymous terms of evangelisation, mission and church building by using the works of Sándor Tavaszy, Sándor Makkai and Lajos Imre, with special attention to the differences concerning evangelisation being mission outside or within the church. The fourth point discusses evangelisation viewed as mission. In the first sub point evangelisation is viewed as inner-mission, without which a living congregation and blooming church-life is unthinkable. The second sub point presents evangelisation as outermission, underlining, that these two do not depend on each other, but have to be done together at the same time. The fifth and last point is on classic evangelisation. Here it is said, that the base and background of all evangelisation movements is and has to be the Holy Spirit. It is this point of the study that summarizes the basic and essential parts of the evangelising preaching. The study ends by the final conclusion, that evangelisation can only be done by the church.

Református Szemle 100.2 (2007)Gyakorlati teológia