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Gaál Botond511 -- 521

Amit mi az iskolában tanultunk és a geometriáról elképzelünk, az szinte mind az euklideszi axiómákra épülő ismeretek világába tartozik. Ezzel az ismerettel azonban nem magyarázható minden, még a természet világában sem. Vannak ugyanis görbült felületek, amelyek csak a nem-euklideszi geometria segítségével írhatók le. Ezt fedezte föl Bolyai János 1823-ban. Ő a Marosvásárhelyi Református Kollégium diákja volt. Ezzel fölnyitotta a korábbi axiomatikus zárt világot és új alapokra helyezte mind a geometriát, mind pedig az egyetemes tudományos gondolkodást.

Református Szemle 116.5 (2023)SzaktanulmányKülönféle
Gaál Botond509 -- 522

A hittudomány szó érdekes, egyszersmind különös szóösszetétel, s mint ilyen fölkelti érdeklődésünket. Már régen honossá vált köznyelvünkben, hétköznapi természetességgel használjuk, és nem is gondoljuk, milyen bonyodalmat rejteget. A hittudományok többes számú alak a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia által is hivatalosan elfogadott tudományterület, ezért javasolom, mi is fogadjuk el a használatát. Ha pedig elfogadtuk, akkor azonnal magyarázatra szorul, elsősorban abból a szempontból, hogy amikor a hittudományok közé soroljuk a teológiát is, értelmezhetjük-e azt tudománynak. Másképpen is fogalmazhatunk: mi módon értelmezhetjük tudományként?

Református Szemle 111.5 (2018)SzaktanulmányRendszeres teológia
Hankó-Nagy Alpár800 -- 820

The First Two Months of Existence of the Southern Transylvanian Reformed Church District (September–October 1940) The study presents the first two months of the existence of the Southern Transylvanian Reformed Church District. This church district is not a historical part of the Hungarian Reformed Church, it was created after the Second Dictate of Vienna, which inorganically tore Transylvania in two. Northern Transylvania has become again part of Hungary, while Southern Transylvania remained under Romanian rule. Together with the country, the Reformed Church in Transylvania also tore in two: the northern part, with Kolozsvár, the center, became part of the Hungarian Reformed Church, but the southern part was left in Romania, without a center, a bishop or a theological institute. Chaos was to be expected in this area of the Reformed Church. Most of the pastors would have taken refuge in North, several congregations would have ceased to exist, schools and churches would have to be closed. Bishop János Vásárhelyi did not want this to happen. Therefore, to maintain the continuity in the southern part of the Transylvanian Reformed Church, he decided to create a provisory committee, with the duty of leading this part of the church. The Committee had its center in Nagyenyed, and the dean of the Gyulafehérvár Diocese, Ferenc Nagy has been appointed vice bishop. The duty of this committee was to keep contact with the Romanian authorities, to supervise the religious and educational activities of the church, and to preserve the Reformed Church with all the means. Creating this provisory committee was the best choice the bishop could made. As it later turned out, the committee had to lead the southern part until April 1945, when the Transylvanian Church has been reunited. The provisory status of the committee had been preserved until 1945, because the Romanian authorities did not allow the creation of a new Church District, and no bishop has been elected. The existence of the committee was crucial in preserving the Reformed Calvinist communities in Southern Transylvania. The following study has three parts. The first part deals with the circumstances of the Second Dictate of Vienna, the second part presents the consequences of the Dictate on the life of the Transylvanian Reformed Church, and the circumstances of the creation of the provisory committee, and the third part is a historical source, the first report of vice bishop Ferenc Nagy to bishop János Vásárhelyi. This source is very important, because it is a true testimony of the struggle that was awaiting the Reformed followers in Southern Transylvania during WW2.

Református Szemle 100.4 (2007)SzaktanulmányEgyháztörténet