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Contributor Title Issue
Buzogány Dezső Acknowledgement Református Szemle 114.4 (2021)
Kolumbán Vilmos József Dezső Buzogány Received the Officer’s Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit Words of Praise of Dhc. Dr. Dezső Buzogány on the Occasion of the Reception of the Officer’s Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit Református Szemle 114.4 (2021)
Adorjáni Zoltán Professor Dr. Ferenc Postma Received the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Orange-Nassau Református Szemle 114.4 (2021)
Simon János Jurisdiction of the Sanhedrin during the Roman Rule Református Szemle 112.4 (2019)
Bölcskei Gusztáv The Laudation of D. Dr. Zsolt Geréb Református Szemle 109.1 (2016)
Adorjáni Zoltán D. Dr. Zsolt Geréb was awarded the Golden Ring of Theology Református Szemle 109.1 (2016)
Kovács László Attila The Laudation of Timea Benkő Református Szemle 109.1 (2016)
Adorjáni Zoltán Timea Benkő has obtained the Zsizsmann Rezső-award Református Szemle 109.1 (2016)
Pál Judit Laudation of Dr. Gábor Sipos Református Szemle 108.5 (2015)
Adorjáni Zoltán Gábor Sipos was Awarded the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic – Officer’s Cross Református Szemle 108.5 (2015)
Buzogány Dezső Zoltán Adorjáni has been awarded the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic, Officer’s Cross Református Szemle 108.4 (2015)
Adorjáni Zoltán Sándor Előd Ősz has received the Count Imre Mikó Award Református Szemle 108.4 (2015)
Adorjáni Zoltán Distinctions Awarded at the General Meeting of the Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Református Szemle 108.3 (2015)