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Bustya Dezső615 -- 630

Beside his ministry, administrative tasks and teaching activities, Rvd. Dr. Dezső Bustya (February 2, 1935 – July 29, 2019) held lectures for ministers on various occasions. In the lecture published below, he interprets the narrative of judge Jephthah. He presents a historical, theological and exegetical analysis, followed by a summary of the homiletical aspects of this narrative.

Református Szemle 112.6 (2019)Research articleOld Testament
Riemer Roukema299 -- 306

In his book: Die Bibelfälscher. Wie wir um die Wahrheit betrogen werden (“The Falsifiers of the Bible. How we are betrayed concerning the truth”) Klaus Berger criticizes the historical-critical exegesis of the New Testament. Although one might find much fault with his polemics, it does deserve our attention, and his theological intention should be taken seriously.

Református Szemle 110.3 (2017)Review