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Buzogány Dezső681 -- 694

We have chosen the case of Franz Bos as a case study because all the methods which the Secret Police has used for surveillance, including harsh or intensive inspection at border checkpoints, detailed reports by agents, admonition, use of technical equipment, shadowing, etc., can be found to have been applied in his case.
Franz Bos személyét azért választottuk bemutatásra, mert esetében megtalálható a titkos rendőrség munkamódszerének valamennyi eleme: a szigorú határellenőrzéstől a részletes ügynöki jelentéseken, figyelmeztetésen és a több irányú technikai eszközalkalmazáson át egészen a nyomkövetésig.

Református Szemle 106.6 (2013)Egyháztörténet
Buzogány Dezső308 -- 319

During the Communist regime, in the sixties of the 20th century, the Protestant Theological Seminary started the student exchange program with churches and institutions from the Western part of Europe, mainly the Dutch Reformed Churches. It was in 1968 when the first Dutch couple came to spend one study year in the Seminary. After them students have been arriving each year until the end of the eighties. Coming from a capitalist, “unfriendly” country, the Dutch students have always been watched at by the Securitate (Secret Police) very carefully. Many informers were recruited from among the Reformed pastors as well as seminary professors to control the whole study process of the foreigners. The documents included into this paper are perfect samples of how the Secret Police usually acted.

Református Szemle 106.3 (2013)Egyháztörténet
Buzogány Dezső208 -- 218

The second half of the 20th century can be characterised by a consolidation of all state structures of the Communist Party. The most important institution in keeping the power was the Secret Police (Securitate), which exercised a strict control over the Churches, including the Hungarian Reformed Church. The Securitate was mostly interested in the foreign contacts of the church. After the Second World War the Reformed Church has kept its contacts with the Reformed Churches in Hungary, as well as with many other Western European churches from the former West Germany, Holland, Switzerland, etc. The Secret Police’s purpose was to gather as many information as possible about the different contacts, and to control the whole issue.

Református Szemle 106.2 (2013)Egyháztörténet
Buzogány Dezső90 -- 99

The purpose of the Communist regime has always been to abolish the Church, due to the fact that its ideology is totally different from the teaching of the Gospel. The Secret Police, as a handy tool of the Communist Party, was the perfect institution to carry out this plan. The present document demonstrates the intense action which has been taken by the Securitate with the clear intention first to join the two Hungarian Reformed Church Districts of Romania, and then to obliterate it entirely.

Református Szemle 106.1 (2013)Egyháztörténet
Buzogány Dezső704 -- 722

Jelen tanulmány célja az, hogy Kálvin levelezéséből és kisebb, eddig még magyarra le nem fordított írásaiból vett adatokkal illusztrálja, esetleg árnyalja az Institutióban kifejtett elméleti államtanát és társadalomfelfogását, különösképpen az után, hogy strasbourgi száműzetéséből visszatért, és Genf, illetve a környék egyházi és társadalmi életének megszervezésre felszólították. Idői behatárolásunk tehát a század harmincas éveinek végétől számított tíz esztendő. Célunk, továbbá, megvizsgálni elméletének lecsapódását és működését a korabeli genfi társadalom különböző szintjein, illetve megragadni azon próbálkozásának egy-két részletét, hogy az egyház visszanyerje társadalmi szerepét és súlyát. Ez annyira érinti a helyi hatalom kérdéskörét, hogy sok esetben a magisztrátus kezéből kellett visszavennie azon szolgálatokat, amelyek, jellegüknél, rendelésüknél és rendeltetésüknél fogva, az egyházat és a lelkészeket illették meg.

Református Szemle 102.6 (2009)SzaktanulmányEgyháztörténet
Buzogány Dezső734 -- 745

Laymen Institution in the Hungarian Reformed Church District of Transylvania. It has been disputed for the last few decades the possible presence and task of the laymen in the church government of the 16–18. Centuries Hungarian Reformed Church life in Transylvania. Arguments have been brought up to prove that as soon as the 16th century the West-European type Presbyterium has already started to gain terrain in the church. The study tries to come up with arguments to prove that the democratic church government according to which the Swiss, English, German, Dutch reformed churches had been doing the government in the 16–17 centuries was not present only in the synods’ records and has not became reality in the Transylvanian church life. Peter Melius bishop of Debrecen was the one, who has found out, that the Presbiterial institution did not fit to the structure of Transylvanian and Hungarian society, consequently he put up the new adapted structure of the local churches as well, as that of the deaneries.

Református Szemle 100.4 (2007)Egyháztörténet