Journal index

A folyóirat teljes tartalmában való keresés elérhető ebben a repozitóriumban.
Sarnyai Csaba Máté143 -- 152

Ez a tanulmány a jeles református püspök és teológus, Makkai Sándor vallásfelfogásának néhány aspektusát igyekszik körüljárni. A két fő dimenzió: a valláslélektani és a vallásfenomenológiai. Makkai úgy véli, hogy a valláslélektan mindenekelőtt a vallás keletkezésének titkát igyekszik felfedni. Ha sikerül választ találni erre a kérdésre, akkor ezáltal megtaláljuk a valláspszichológia lényegét. A filozófia, a szociológia, a természettudomány, a néplélektan és az empirikus lélektan mind-mind magáénak érzi, hogy a valláslélektan problémáival és annak jelzett kulcskérdésével foglalkozzék.

Református Szemle 112.2 (2019)SzaktanulmányRendszeres teológia
Gorbai Gabriella Márta278 -- 321

The role of group work in teacher education. This essay deals with the role and importance of psychological group work with special regard to teachers’ professional development. In the last few decades a new view of the way teachers should be educated emerged, in which more attention was directed towards the person of the teacher. The real self image and self-knowledge is important for religion teachers when we take into account that they are especially expected to be empathic, authentic and able to accept the others. After we had investigated that the actual curriculum of the Faculty for Teachers of Religion provides hardly any programmes which aim to develop students’ selfknowledge, we tried to work out a programme which would help the healthy development of students’ personal and professional self. Moreover the essay points out: the role of self knowledge in the profession of teaching; the importance of communication and how to develop communication skills; some conflict handling methods student teachers should know before they start their teaching practice.

Református Szemle 100.2 (2007)SzaktanulmányGyakorlati teológia
Soós Amália657 -- 667

On Sámuel Köteles’ Ethical Conception and the Criticism of Kantian Ethics. The present study is a short presentation of Sámuel Köteles’ ethics, in the mirror of Transylvanian and German Enlightenment. The study proves the existence of some basic similarities between the philosophical-ethical conceptions of Kant and Fichte and on the other hand the works of the above mentioned leader of century Transylvanian culture. I considered also important to achieve a critical overview of the entire kantian ethical construction using among others Max Scheler’s points of view, the one that proves some deficient theses of Kant’s transcendental conception. Finally my presentation focuses on the great importance of Köteles’ works and the conjunction of events that made him the most excellent propagator of the kantian philosophy in Hungarian.

Református Szemle 100.3 (2007)Rendszeres teológia