Journal index

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Contributor Title Issue
Bálint Péter Jesus-patterns in Folktales “How Would He Not Be Faithful in Heart, When I am His Saviour!” (II) Református Szemle 115.4 (2022)
Bálint Péter Jesus-patterns in Folktales “How Would He Not Be Faithful in Heart, When I am His Saviour!” (I) Református Szemle 115.3 (2022)
Adorjáni Zoltán, Buzogány Dezső Greeting Károly Fekete on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday Református Szemle 112.5 (2019)
Jenei Péter “...The land is mine; you are but strangers and sojourners with me...” In What Sense Did the Ancient Israelites Inherit the Promised Land? Református Szemle 107.3 (2014)