Journal index

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Contributor Title Issue
Magyar Balázs Dávid A Portrait of John Calvin Reflected in the Hungarian Reformed Intellectual Class’ Correspondence, Personal Book Memoirs and Diaries of the 19th Century Református Szemle 110.5 (2017)
Kolumbán Vilmos József The Confession of József Makfalvi Református Szemle 109.1 (2016)
Magyar Balázs Dávid John Calvin – Saint or Sinner? Evaluation of Calvin’s Person and Role in Servetus’ Death in the Hungarian Calvin Biographies and Articles (1842–1908) Református Szemle 108.2 (2015)
Kulcsár Árpád Calvinian Traits in Hungarian Spirit. Nagyvárad (Oradea), Nov. 20–22, 2014 Református Szemle 108.1 (2015)
Fazakas Sándor Why is the “sin of the past” sin and how far is that the sin of the church…? Some aspects concerning the need for remembering and reconciliation in the Hungarian Reformed Church Református Szemle 107.6 (2014)