Református Szemle 117.1 (2024)


Ledán M. István(5--37)

In our study, we examined the ancient Greco-Roman liberality-ethos from the Hellenistic to the early imperial period. By examining the terminology of gift-giving and liberality in the ancient Greek world and the New Testament, we can discover quite a lot of analogies between the Greco-Roman philosophical ideals of liberality and the theological basis of giving in the New Testament. But despite the fact that, in terms of principles, we can discover a number of analogies between the Greco-Roman conception of liberalitas or εὐεργεσία and the theological basis of giving in the New Testament, it is the differences that are crucial. It is not the quantitative analogies but the qualitative differences that are decisive. It is particularly significant that liberality (giving) in the Greco-Roman world, respectively in the New Testament have quite different orientations, since they have different target groups in mind. It would therefore be difficult to argue convincingly that Christian liberality (giving) has its origins in the Greco-Roman ethos of liberalitas.

New Testamentadakozás, görög-római kultúra, jócselekedet
Bacsó István(38--60)

Theosis or its concept is perhaps less known to the Western Protestant trained theologian. Even to the Transylvanian Reformed theologian and pastor living at the meeting point of East and West it would be of value to get to know this characteristic teaching of the Eastern Orthodox Church. In our study, we describe the formation of the doctrine of deification, its dogmatic background, its development, and some of its elements, whilst searching for the answer to the question of whether there is any connection with the Reformed Church.

Systematic theologyteózis, megistenülés, megszentelődés, kegyelem, racionalizmus, egzisztencializmus, szkepticizmus
Bálint Péter(61--87)

The representation and perception of female beauty and ugliness in tale narratives varies depending on the situation. Both phenomena are accompanied by ethical and existential pre-dicates. For centuries, church teachings have determined the peasant perception of beauty and seduction with beauty. The preachers’ exhortations and parables often appear in the parable tales, which fit in with the moral order of the local community.

Othernéprajz, mese, népmese, szépség


Balogh Csaba(95--97)

OtherProtestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca
Kató Béla(97--98)

OtherProtestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca
Bogdán Szabolcs János(99--100)

OtherProtestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca
Adorjáni Dezső Zoltán(102--107)

OtherProtestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca
Kovács Sándor(108--118)

OtherProtestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca