Research article

The Ethical Codex of the Reformed College of Kolozsvár from 1786

The document presented here is the Ethical Codex formulated in 1786 by the governing body of the College of Kolozsvár (Cluj). The 1780s marked an era defined by the formulation of educational guidelines. It was during this epoch that the ruler of the Habsburg Empire mandated the centralisation of educational institutions. Consequently, the Reformed Church of Transylvania undertook extensive preparations for the reorganization of the college and the advancement of public education.

The Origin and Characteristics of the Prosperity Theology in North America, and Its Legacy in South Korea in the Light of David Yonggi Cho’s book “The Fourth Dimension”


This paper discusses prosperity theology from the perspective of religious studies, arguably one of the most important aspects regarding the history and role of the Yoido Full Evangelical Church (hereinafter: YFGC) in the South Korean Protestant Christian religious tapestry. The current study aims to explore the history and characteristics of prosperity theology using the book titled “Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel” by Kate Bowler, a Canadian re-searcher with a Protestant theological background.

Where Are the New Heaven and the New Earth?


The Second Epistle of Peter makes an important, and in some ways unconventional con-tribution to our understanding of biblical eschatology. The main message of the Epistle is clear: this world must be destroyed by fire so that “new heavens and a new earth may take its place”. In the New Testament, only Revelation speaks so clearly about the cosmic consequences of the Day of the Lord. However, the statement about the great final conflagration raises literary, text-critical and theological questions.

The Earliest Calendars of the Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék (Oradea)


Church history claimed that the somewhat official yearbook of the Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék was first published in 1927, six years after the formation of the new church district in 1921. It was entitled The Illustrated Calendar of Reformed Orphanages (Református Árvaházi Képes Naptár), published continuously until 1949. However, a recent project of processing and digitalising contemporary press revealed new data on the publication of a yearbook both in 1923 and 1925. Despite both issues being printed in many thousands of copies, none of those calendars were preserved.

“Out of nothing I have created a new and different world.”


Much of the geometric knowledge imparted in our school days was grounded in the realm of Euclidean axioms. Yet, such knowledge proves inadequate for comprehending the full spectrum of laws and structures governing nature. Non-Euclidean geometry emerges as an indispensable tool when grappling with the intricacies of unique curved surfaces. In 1823, János Bolyai, an outstanding student at the Reformed College of Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mureș) in Transylvania, unveiled this innovative form of geometry.

In the Footsteps of the Communion Cup of Érkeserű (Cheșereu)


The communion cup of the Reformed parish of Érkeserű (Cheșereu, Romania) was originally a plate, which was melted down at the beginning of the 19th century and made into a chalice. Its history, which can be traced back to the last third of the 16 th century, is closely linked to the history of the parish and the local landowning families, especially the Suselith-Horváth family. This study corrects and supplements earlier literature by using archival sources and source publications.

Grace or Nature?


The Barth-Brunner debate is one of the significant moments of the Protestant theological history in the 20 th century. The replica-exchange of the two outstanding figures of dialectical theology in 1934 not only includes the theological centres of gravity of Karl Barth and Emil Brunner, but also gives insight into the sparkling theological and spiritual atmosphere of the 1930s. Brunner’s interpretation reveals a specific version of natural theology, while Barth, in the spirit of New Reformation Theology, expresses his position in terms of the authority of the Word.

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ…”


The study begins with the homiletical exegesis of 2 Corinthians 8:7–9. In the first major section, preparatory elements take centre stage. Throughout the exploration of the pericope's historical, exegetical, and theological dimensions, we delve into the relationship between Paul and the Corinthians, the collection for Jerusalem and theological motifs such as incarnation and offertory. The homiletical exegesis is followed by an outline for a Christmas sermon. The final points of the study provide additional perspectives and illustrations for shaping the worship service.

The Story of the Wedding in Cana in Folk Narratives


The author of the paper examines the representations of the story of the wedding at Cana in folklore texts, as well as in the interpretations of the non-biblical storytellers. The texts collected by the folklorists evoke the atmosphere of wedding celebrations and carnival festivities in local communities, and the expressions of the vernacular language reinforce the profane and humorous nature of what is narrated. The deviations from the biblical narrative are clearly visible in the symbolic motifs and episodes, as well as in the assessment of the actions of individual characters.

Bibliotherapy and „Bible-therapy”


This is a follow-up to my study published in the previous issue of this journal. The concise concept of bibliotherapy encapsulates its fundamental principles: healing through literature. The method’s positive outcomes have spurred a resurgence in research, training and practical application in recent decades. In Hungary, this approach has yielded fruitful results, diversifying traditional psychological sessions and other forms of individual and group support, making it more accessible to those who may have hesitated to seek help otherwise.