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Petrov Anita287 -- 305

Erőss Lajos, a méltatlanul elfeledett dogmatikus és püspök emlékét néhány utcanév őrzi Debrecenben, valamint Püspökladányban, ahol az általános iskola névadója is lett. Erőss Lajos a Debreceni Református Kollégiumban tanult. A lelkipásztori szolgálatban eltöltött évei után ismét visszakerült az alma mater falai közé. A dogmatikatanári katedráról a lehető legnagyobb tudással igyekezett felvértezni diákjait a lelkipásztori szolgálatra. Rövid időn belül pedig a Tiszántúli Református Egyházkerület püspökének választották meg. Hirtelen bekövetkezett halála után ránk maradt befejezetlen életműve lehet oka annak, hogy élete és munkássága feldolgozatlan maradt. Ennek rendszerezése, értékeinek felmutatása pedig az utókorra vár.

Református Szemle 111.3 (2018)SzaktanulmányEgyháztörténet
Zabán Bálint Károly595 -- 609

Tanulmányomban először Kálvin János személye és életműve értékelésének kérdéseit taglalom röviden, ez után pedig arra a kérdésre adok választ, hogy milyen szentírási építőkövekből áll össze az a kálvini egyházkép, amely már a kezdet kezdetén meggyőző volt és hódított – az ellenséges politikai körülmények ellenére is.

Református Szemle 102.5 (2009)Rendszeres teológia
Zabán Bálint Károly605 -- 633

The following survey of present research of Prov 1–9 focuses mainly on the structure and character of these chapters of Proverbs and the various theories concerning the personification of Wisdom in Proverbs.1 This appraisal of some older and more recent works on chapters 1–9 is meant to serve as a preamble of a series of articles I planned to write about Proverbs. The succeeding articles will be concerned with an overview of research in terms of the textual traditions of Proverbs, questions of dating (pre-exilic/post-exilic), setting, various Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Ugaritic parallels and the structure and character of Prov 10–29 and of 30–31, secular and/or religious wisdom, the concept of the fear of the Lord and theology.

Református Szemle 101.6 (2008)Ószövetség
Bancea Gábor45 -- 68

Canaanite Abominations as Presented in the Book of Deuteronomy. A Theological Evaluation. Before entering in the Promised Land the people of Israel were told not to follow the forbidden practices of the polytheistic nations (Deut 18, 9–14), to avoid all kinds of magical and superstitious practices designed to discover the will of gods, or even to compel the gods to action in certain ways. The occult, superstitions, divinisation, sorcery, spiritualism were abominations all to Yahweh and brought about His judgment. Yahweh made His will known through revelation, by the aid of His prophets, whose words would be clearly understandable to the people in contrast with the ambiguous and mysterious spells of those who worked with magic and divinisation. Israel must be blameless in regard to every form of divinisation, magic or spiritism. In our day when we can see the rise of a „new paganism”, moreover when spiritualism, astrology, teacup reading and the like are widely practised, these injuctions given to ancient Israel have a particular relevance. This presentation is trying to understand the present will of God with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to tell the difference between religion and revelation. A short survey is being made to define the aspects of Israelite religion, a product of revelation through the prophets of Jahweh in contrast to the religions and magic void of revelation. The exegesis of the biblical passage from Deut 18,9–14 enables us to search to the different forbidden Canaanite practices. Some attempts are being made towards a possible new translation of the words denoting forbidden practices. The will of God was to be discovered by a prophet and not by a magic worker, a diviner or a spiritist. Israel has to observe the guidance of Yahweh, who will provide a succession of prophets until the day when He will send them the Messiah, the eschatological Prophet Jesus Christ, His Son – who will save His people from damnation. He has the words of eternal life. Jesus asked the twelve: You do not want to leave too, do you? Simon Peter answered him: Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. (John 6,67–68)

Református Szemle 100.1 (2007)Ószövetség