Is It Possible to Verify Historically the Resurrection of Jesus?

A Presentation of the Viewpoint of Nicholas Thomas Wright

N. T. Wright’s approach to the historical-Jesus-debate throws a new light on the resurrection quest. In his view, the ultimate question of the ’resurrection research’ should be: what happened on that first Easter that has ultimately led to the early Christianity and its faith? Early Christianity’s answer is that Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, has risen. Nobody was there on that moment and still, we have two historically secure indications: the empty grave and Jesus’ appearances. These two are important and appropriate backgrounds for the belief that Jesus was really risen from the dead.

Tartalom bibliográfiai hivatkozása

Béres Levente: Is It Possible to Verify Historically the Resurrection of Jesus?. A Presentation of the Viewpoint of Nicholas Thomas Wright. In: Református Szemle 111.2 (2018), 133--169