historical criticism
New Developments in the Quest for the Historical Jesus
This article aims to explore some interesting developments in the quest for the Historical Jesus during the late 20th century. After presenting the different theological viewpoints about who Jesus was, this study summarises the results and challenges of the liberal theological scholarship about Jesus’ personality. It draws attention to some significant portrayals of Jesus according to Marcus J. Borg, Dominic Crossan and Géza Vermes, and invites to accept the differences.
Can the Historical Jesus Be Loved?
Wenn Gott für Bultmann „das ganz Andere“ ist, so wird unser Versuchen ihn zu verstehen ohne Erfolg bleiben. Alles, was wir über Gott erfahren können, erreicht uns als Gnade. Die Gnade Gottes ist aber kein Wissen, also etwas Intellektuelles, sondern eine Tat, in der wir nur teilnehmend „mit-dabei sein“ können. Der Inhalt dieser Gnade, ein unverfügbares Geschehen, erschließt sich als Liebe. Bultmann benutzt häufig das Beispiel der Vater-Sohn Beziehung, um den reinen Akt der Liebe zu demonstrieren.
Klaus Berger klagt an
In his book: Die Bibelfälscher. Wie wir um die Wahrheit betrogen werden (“The Falsifiers of the Bible. How we are betrayed concerning the truth”) Klaus Berger criticizes the historical-critical exegesis of the New Testament. Although one might find much fault with his polemics, it does deserve our attention, and his theological intention should be taken seriously.
Is It Possible to Verify Historically the Resurrection of Jesus?
N. T. Wright’s approach to the historical-Jesus-debate throws a new light on the resurrection quest. In his view, the ultimate question of the ’resurrection research’ should be: what happened on that first Easter that has ultimately led to the early Christianity and its faith? Early Christianity’s answer is that Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, has risen. Nobody was there on that moment and still, we have two historically secure indications: the empty grave and Jesus’ appearances.