Journal index

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Contributor Title Issue
Batizán Attila The Church as Diaspora. Ecclesiological Contexts of Diaspora Existence and the Outlines of a Transylvanian Diaspora Strategy. Summary Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Ledán M. István Octavius An Attempt to Pacify Rome and Christianity? Református Szemle 112.4 (2019)
Oláh Róbert The Use of the “Calvinist” Attribute in the Reformed Theology of the 17th Century Református Szemle 112.5 (2019)
Tunyogi Lehel The Linguistic Challenges of the Diaspora-Life and Ministry Református Szemle 107.5 (2014)
Magyar Balázs Dávid Jean Calvin contre les Anabaptistes Doctrines in the Reformer’s Works of 1536–1544, with Special Emphasis on Politico-theological Questions Református Szemle 107.3 (2014)
Magyar Balázs Dávid Jean Calvin contre les Anabaptistes A Refutation of the Catabaptists’ False Doctrines in the Reformer’s Works from 1534 to 1536, with Special Emphasis on the Issues of Political Theology Református Szemle 107.1 (2014)