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Bustya Dezső615 -- 630

Beside his ministry, administrative tasks and teaching activities, Rvd. Dr. Dezső Bustya (February 2, 1935 – July 29, 2019) held lectures for ministers on various occasions. In the lecture published below, he interprets the narrative of judge Jephthah. He presents a historical, theological and exegetical analysis, followed by a summary of the homiletical aspects of this narrative.

Református Szemle 112.6 (2019)Research articleOld Testament
Kurta József Tibor699 -- 704

The Transylvanian Reformed ministers of the 17th century received their diplomas within the framework of the annual General Synod. In this paper we present a unique diploma for ministry – so-called formata – from 1702, emitted for János Berzétei K. by the General Synod of Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mureș), printed at Kolozsvár in the workshop of Miklós Misztótfalusi Kis. Currently this formata is kept in the archives of the library of the Protestant Theological Institute (MS 66).

Református Szemle 107.6 (2014)Research articleChurch history