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Rezi Elek656 -- 673

The study reviews the writings and reports of Sándor Tavaszy about the Unitarians. His writings were published in the Református Szemle, Az Út Reformed periodicals and in the Transylvanian press of the time. I examined three areas of Tavaszy’s writings: 1. his reports on Unitarian church events (bishop’ inauguration, Church anniversary); 2. his evaluation of Unitarian personalities (Sámuel Brassai, Balázs Orbán); 3. mutual book reviews (Tavaszy’s books’ reviews by Unitarians and reviews of Unitarian books by Tavaszy). As a conclusion we can state that the writings and reports strengthened the relations between the Hungarian churches in the difficult times between the two world wars, and advocated the possibilities of joint actions in the work of saving the church and the nation.

Református Szemle 115.6 (2022)Research articleSystematic theology
Bustya Dezső615 -- 630

Beside his ministry, administrative tasks and teaching activities, Rvd. Dr. Dezső Bustya (February 2, 1935 – July 29, 2019) held lectures for ministers on various occasions. In the lecture published below, he interprets the narrative of judge Jephthah. He presents a historical, theological and exegetical analysis, followed by a summary of the homiletical aspects of this narrative.

Református Szemle 112.6 (2019)Research articleOld Testament
Rezi Elek537 -- 550

The first part of the study deals with the positive and negative effects of globalization. The process of globalization has effects on the environment, on culture, on religions, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical wellbeing in socie- ties around the world. The second part presents important and timely Christian social ethical answers to the challenges of globalization. These answers involve respect for life and Christian ethical values.

Református Szemle 112.5 (2019)Research articleSystematic theology
Rezi Elek213 -- 214Református Szemle 110.2 (2017)ReportChurch history, Practical theology