Resurrection is one of the central topics in Christian theology, widely discussed within both christology and anthropology. This idea deriving from the New Testament is deeply rooted in Old Testament texts, or, more precisely, in a particular interpretation of those texts. However, this later approach of the New Testament and contemporary Judaism to Old Testament passages speaking about resurrection raises significant questions for current Christian readers who, on the one hand, are familiar with the historical-critical reading of the Bible, and, on the other, strive to be faithful to their tradition. This paper seeks for answers concerning the discrepancy between a responsible exegetical enterprise and the fidelity towards the ecclesial tradition. It maintains that the current reader needs to distinguish between the statement of Christian theology (“the Lord has risen”) and its argumentation (based on Old Testament references). The statement is primarily rooted in the personal experience of eyewitnesses, while the argumentation bears all signs of contemporary time bound hermeneutics.
Life After Death and Resurrection in the Old Testament and the Christian Hermeneutics
Tartalom bibliográfiai hivatkozása
Balogh Csaba: Life After Death and Resurrection in the Old Testament and the Christian Hermeneutics. In: Református Szemle 110.5 (2017), 463--479
Tartalmi jellemzők
Témakör: Old Testament
› Kulcsszavak: halál utáni élet, resurrection, death, születés, Ószövetségi idézetek az Újszövetségben, hermeneutics