A Review of Tibor Fabiny: Beyond Literalism. A Meditative Dialogue on Theological Hermeneutics
A Review of Oda Wischmeyer (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken. Von Origenes bis zur Gegenwart (Hungarian translation)
Closing Words during the Book Presentation of Oda Wischmeyer (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken. Von Origenes bis zur Gegenwart
Oda Wischmeyer (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken. Von Origenes bis zur Gegenwart. Hungarian translation
The Death of the Metaphor
Man has always had the desire to unravel the mysteries of the universe. But in formulating his answers, he was confronted with the impossibility of defining everything through language. By secularising the myths, people have lost their connection with the poetic language, which can provide access to states beyond language. The solution may lie in rediscovering the power of the mystery. This could be done through the existential metaphor, and then man can become capable of experiencing the mystery of God again.
Kerekes Erzsébet: Az idő kairologikus jellege a heideggeri hermeneutikai fenomenológiában
Metaphor or Not Metaphor? Assumptions Concerning the Semantics of the Joban Salvation-Metaphors
This essay applies the method of semantic analysis for biblical metaphors. First it highlights the settled meanings of the lexemes of the metaphors under scrutiny. After establishing the sememes, the analysis focuses on the plain or hidden nominal predicative statement of the metaphor, namely only on the context of the tenor and vehicle, seeking for that conjunctive semes which can help us to understand the chosen metaphor.
The Necessity and Implementation of Scholarly Exegesis
Der Aufsatz behandelt die theologischen, hermeneutischen und wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Grundfragen der Bibelexegese. Warum bedarf die Bibel einer Interpretation, und warum soll sie wissenschaftlich sein? Nach diesen Fragen wird die historisch-kritische Exegese definiert, sie als die weithin geeignetste Methode für die Auslegung von biblischen Texten aufgezeigt und die Rolle der strukturalistischen, leser-zentrierten und adjektivischen Methoden auf das Feld der Homiletik zugewiesen.
Life After Death and Resurrection in the Old Testament and the Christian Hermeneutics
Resurrection is one of the central topics in Christian theology, widely discussed within both christology and anthropology. This idea deriving from the New Testament is deeply rooted in Old Testament texts, or, more precisely, in a particular interpretation of those texts.