Journal index

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Contributor Title Issue
Lőrinczy Petra Pro and Contra in the Grey Area The Definition and Problems of Syncretism from the Perspective of the South-Korean Protestant Charismatic Movement and its Relation to the Shamanistic Heritage Református Szemle 115.2 (2022)
Ledán M. István The sleep of death: The so-called sleep-eschatology of the New Testament in the context of ancient Greek funeral epitaphs Summary Református Szemle 113.6 (2020)
Peres Imre Ledán M. István: The sleep of death: The so-called sleep-eschatology of the New Testament in the context of ancient Greek funeral epitaphs Presentation and evaluation from the supervisor Református Szemle 113.6 (2020)
Adorjáni Zoltán The Primeval Man according to Philo of Alexandria Református Szemle 111.4 (2018)
Ledán M. István Aspects of Pauline Eschatology in the Context of Hellenistic Funeral Inscriptions Református Szemle 110.6 (2017)
Papp György The Question of Unity of a Human Person (Part II) Református Szemle 109.5 (2016)
Papp György The Question of Unity of a Human Person (Part I) Református Szemle 109.4 (2016)
Visky Sándor Béla The Problem of Forgiveness in the Context of the Metaphysics and Anthropology of Vladimir Jankélévitch. II. Református Szemle 109.2 (2016)
Visky Sándor Béla The problem of forgiveness in the context of the metaphysics and anthropology of Vladimir Jankélévitch. I. Református Szemle 109.1 (2016)
Papp György The Anthropological Terms of the Bible Református Szemle 108.3 (2015)