Journal index

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Contributor Title Issue
Fodor László In the Footsteps of the Communion Cup of Érkeserű (Cheșereu) Református Szemle 116.5 (2023)
Jónás Norbert Ferenc The Proselytes, or Conversion to Judaism Református Szemle 116.2 (2023)
Kovács Sándor György Gaál: The Gyergyais at the Service of the City, Church and Science. Three Centuries of a Unitarian Family in Transylvania Református Szemle 116.1 (2023)
Gaal György Margit Nagy (ed.): Way, Truth, Life. The Family Story of a Transylvanian Reformed Minister Református Szemle 115.5 (2022)
Mezey Mónika The Seat of Scoffers Psalm 1:1 and the Spectacles in the Rabbinic Literature and Tertullian’s tractate, De spectaculis Református Szemle 115.2 (2022)
Viczián István Anna Teleki, a “most noble and most judicious woman” of Transylvania. Part III. The years of widowhood Református Szemle 114.4 (2021)
Viczián István Anna Teleki, a “most noble and most judicious woman” of Transylvania. Part II. Her marriage with Baron Simon Kemény, Jr. Református Szemle 114.3 (2021)
Viczián István Anna Teleki, a “most noble and most judicious woman” of Transylvania Part I. Her youth. Her engagement with Count Domokos Teleki Jr. Református Szemle 114.2 (2021)
Steiner József The faith-popularising activity of Judaism as a non-missional religion in the New Testament era Református Szemle 114.1 (2021)
Simon János Jurisdiction of the Sanhedrin during the Roman Rule Református Szemle 112.4 (2019)
Magyar Balázs Dávid John Calvin on Marriage, Family and Sexuality Református Szemle 111.5 (2018)
Adorjáni Zoltán Until a Prophet Would Come... (1 Mac 4:46) Hermeneutical Method in the First Book of the Maccabees Református Szemle 111.1 (2018)
Adorjáni Zoltán Notes on the Title of Philo’s “De vita contemplativa” Református Szemle 108.4 (2015)
Hermán M. János Mrs. Mária Sass-Tőkés, the Embodiment of a Silent Power Református Szemle 107.6 (2014)
Ledán M. István Is there Need for Anti-Semitism in the (Hungarian Reformed) Church? Református Szemle 107.5 (2014)