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Kolumbán Vilmos József609 -- 624

The document presented here is the Ethical Codex formulated in 1786 by the governing body of the College of Kolozsvár (Cluj). The 1780s marked an era defined by the formulation of educational guidelines. It was during this epoch that the ruler of the Habsburg Empire mandated the centralisation of educational institutions. Consequently, the Reformed Church of Transylvania undertook extensive preparations for the reorganization of the college and the advancement of public education. This regulatory framework stands as a distinctive artifact, akin to the spiritual bequest of the noble aristocracy and sovereigns. Noteworthy is its exclusive focus on individuals of noble lineage, rendering it likely that its implementation was never realised.

Református Szemle 116.6 (2023)Research articleChurch history
Herczeg Pál144 -- 155

Auf Grund von Markus 16,16 konnte festgestellt werden, daß der Inhalt des Glaubens folgendes ist: Erkennung der Person und der Taten des geschichtlichen Jesus und vor allem die Erkenntnis und der Empfang des Heils, das uns von ihm gereicht wird. Der Glaube gewinnt offensichtliche Stärkung und „Dokumentation“ in der Taufe. Das ist nicht „weniger“ als all jenes, was wir an anderen biblischen Stellen über die Taufe lesen können. Das hier Gesagte entspricht nur der Grundlage des Evangeliums von Markus: Ich glaube, …hilf meinem Unglauben! (9,24) Nach Matthäus 28,18–20 werden in der Taufe vor allem die Gemeinschaft mit Jesus Christus, bzw. die Gemeinschaft mit Gott der Heiligen Dreienigkeit samt allem Dazugehörenden und allen Forderungen zum Ausdruck gebracht. Ein Jünger Jesu zu sein bringt die Zugehörigkeit der menschlichen, empirischen Gemeinschaft mit sich. Das kann man nicht aus individueller Veranlassung und Sehnsucht erreichen, sondern nur durch die Tätigkeit der Jünger, der Apostel und Missionare. Obwohl wir da, in dieser Perikope, buchstäblich nicht über die Kirche lesen, ist hier doch, ihrem Wesen nach, die Rede über die Kirche.

Református Szemle 113.2 (2020)Research articleNew Testament
Herczeg Pál5 -- 13

Diese Studie hebt aufgrund Kolosser 2,8–15 hervor, daß sowohl die alttestamentliche Beschneidung, als auch die neutestamentliche Taufe character indelibile sind. Wer an Beschneidung teil hatte, lebt erstens in der Gemeinschaft Gottes Erwählten, zweitens wird er dadurch verpflichtet nach Gottes Willen zu leben. Die Taufe bedeutet Gemeinschaft mit Christus, mit seinem Tod, seiner Begrabung und Auferstehung. Die Taufe ist nicht bloß Freisprechung von den Sünden, sondern auch eine Befreiung aus der Gewalt geistiger und kosmischer Mächte. Auf diese Weise schließt die Taufe jede andere Knechtschaft, jeden Dienst und etwaige Gehorsamkeit aus. Im Briefe an die Galater 2, 20 wird die neue Existenz der Getauften folgendermaßen zusammengefaßt: Mit Christus bin auch ich gekreuzigt: ich lebe aber doch nun nicht ich, sondern Christus lebt in mir.

Református Szemle 113.1 (2020)Research articleNew Testament
Kolumbán Vilmos József62 -- 78

This paper presents the apology of János Bodola, professor of Nagyenyed, accused of heresy in 1791. Like his accused associate, Bodola also dismissed the charge of heresy, but did not deny that theological thinking should be renewed. In his letter, he also rejected Arminian, Pelagian, and Universalist accusations, stood up to Samuel Endemann’s orthodoxy, and condemned the lack of consensus among the confessions. According to his letter, Bodola was a supporter of the Reformed liberal orthodoxy who in matters of principles of faith remained devoted to the creeds of reformed confessions, without secluding himself from the innovations within theology.

Református Szemle 111.1 (2018)Research articleChurch history
Kolumbán Vilmos József56 -- 61

The attack against the ideas of illumination was at the same time the last desperate attempt of the Transylvanian reformed orthodox theology at the Synod of Küküllővár in 1791, when János Zilahi Sebes and János Bodola were indicted for spreading the teachings of arminian, socionian and pelagian theology. He defended himself in an exhaustive testimony and also defended the book of the German reformed professor, Samuel Endemann, used in Transylvanian schools as manual of dogmatic theology.

Református Szemle 111.1 (2018)Research articleChurch history
Herczeg Pál475 -- 483

Ist 1. Petrus 3,18–22 eine Taufrede, dann kann der Bibeltext nicht bloß als eine Lehre und Verpflichtung angesehen werden, sondern hier ist auch ein Gewissheit bietender Trost zu finden: Vielleicht leben, oder werden die Christen in Sintflut leben, aber die Arche, bzw., was die Arche als Vorbild zeigen will, die Taufe ist jene Möglichkeit, die Gott „den Gerechten und Untadligen“ angeboten hat. Diese Perikope sagt mit anderen Worten das Selbe, was in den Briefen an die Römer, Galater und Kolosser von der Taufe geschrieben ist, aber hier wurzelt die Lehre über die Taufe in einem weiteren geschichtlichen und heilgeschichtlichen Kontext. Zugleich gibt diese Bibelstelle sehr betont Weisungen und Hoffnung den Lesern hinsichtlich ihrer aktuellen gesellschaftlichen, menschlichen Situation.

Református Szemle 111.5 (2018)Research articleNew Testament
Kolumbán Vilmos József194 -- 202

This text edition presents the opinion of the Reformed bishop, Zsigmond Eperjesi, and the eparchial notary, Máté Keresztes, in the case of Samuel Endemann. As their documents make clear, the bishop and the eparchial notary were representatives of the orthodox Reformed church, and determined supporters of the creeds of the traditional Reformed church. The letter reveals that the investigation of Endemann was initiated by the leaders of the Reformed church. In his letter, the bishop briefly stated his view that Endemann’s manual contradicted the creeds of the Reformed Church in Transylvania, even if in these ideas had long been canonized in Western theological thought. Following the Endemann investigations, János Bodola and János Zilahi Sebes received instructions from the Consistory and the Reformed Church leadership that Endemann’s manuals should not be used in educating systematic theology.

Református Szemle 111.2 (2018)Source editionChurch history
Kolumbán Vilmos József632 -- 648

The attack against the ideas of illumination was the last desperate attempt of the Transylvanian reformed orthodox theology at the Synod of Küküllővár in 1791, when János Zilahi Sebes and János Bodola were indicted for spreading the teachings of arminian, socionian and pelagian theology. He defended himself in an exhaustive testimony and also defended the book of the German reformed professor, Samuel Endemann, used in Transylvanian schools as a manual of dogmatic theology.

Református Szemle 110.6 (2017)Source editionChurch history
Kolumbán Vilmos József191 -- 201

The scholarly literature on Protestant education agrees that the delimitation of the main principles of the public educational system of the reformed congregations is strongly related to the name of Philipp Melanchton. The “preceptor of Germany”, as he came to be known, considered that the aim of education is to assume personal responsibility. Defining the purpose of reformed education in Transylvania was postponed to the 17th and 18th centuries, when the public educational system searched for its own rationales. The current study presents a short historical overview of this period.

Református Szemle 109.2 (2016)Research articleChurch history
Kolumbán Vilmos József55 -- 67

The Arminianist doctrine concerning predestination as well as Cocceius' theology of the covenant, which intended to dilute the inflexibility of the Dordrecht decisions, kept the Dutch theology of the seventeenth century in fever, causing serious problems even during the first half of the eighteenth. The Hungarian adepts of these doctrines were Sámuel Nádudvari, József Makfalvi, András Huszti, Ferenc Csepregi Turkovics and György Verestói, who, after their return home, began to disseminate the teaching, which differred from the confessions of the Transylvanian Reformed Church. The lawsuit and legal process concerning doctrinal errors, however, was initiated and carried out only in the case of Huszti, Nádudvari and Makfalvi. Whilst Csepregi and Verestói could easily clear their names of any suspicion of heterodoxy, the other three theologians (Huszti, Nádudvari and Makfalvi) did not take this opportunity, which ultimately caused an irreparable break in their careers.

Református Szemle 109.1 (2016)Research articleSystematic theology, Church history
Kolumbán Vilmos József432 -- 444

I am aware that József Benkő’s manifold and diversified work cannot be summarised in a few pages without omissions. I have presented only the events through which this son of Erdővidék, who had never studied at a foreign academy, became internationally famous as a domidoctus. He has proven that, if endowed with the necessary perseverance, respect for work and humility as a scientist, one can become a well-known scholar living even in areas as remote as Erdővidék.

Református Szemle 107.4 (2014)Research articleChurch history