Journal index

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Contributor Title Issue
Kiss Lajos András Sin, Repentance, Forgiveness Ideas on Sándor Fazakas’s Book Református Szemle 114.2 (2021)
Ledán M. István The sleep of death: The so-called sleep-eschatology of the New Testament in the context of ancient Greek funeral epitaphs Summary Református Szemle 113.6 (2020)
Peres Imre Ledán M. István: The sleep of death: The so-called sleep-eschatology of the New Testament in the context of ancient Greek funeral epitaphs Presentation and evaluation from the supervisor Református Szemle 113.6 (2020)
Bányai László Review of Mihály Zoltán Nagy – Denisa Bodeanu: Condemned to Silence / Interception. The Interception Protocols of the Roman Catholic Bishop, Áron Márton Református Szemle 113.1 (2020)
Buzogány Dezső László Musnai (1888–1967). A Sketch of His Life Református Szemle 110.6 (2017)
Ledán M. István Aspects of Pauline Eschatology in the Context of Hellenistic Funeral Inscriptions Református Szemle 110.6 (2017)
Hermán M. János The Visit of Abraham Kuyper to Bucharest, Budapest and the Burning of His Books Translated to Hungarian at Cluj in 1962 Református Szemle 110.4 (2017)
Hermán M. János “The Unsung Martyr” Iván Hadházy’s Fight against a Brutal Regime Református Szemle 110.2 (2017)
Geréb Zsolt György Benyik: A Lexicon of Hungarian Biblicists Református Szemle 109.6 (2016)
Kustár Zoltán The Necessity and Implementation of Scholarly Exegesis Református Szemle 109.5 (2016)
Ledán M. István Death as Dreaming and Sleeping in the Epigrams of Gregory of Nazianzus Református Szemle 109.3 (2016)
Hermán M. János Mrs. Mária Sass-Tőkés, the Embodiment of a Silent Power Református Szemle 107.6 (2014)
Simon János The Hungarian ethos of forgiveness during the decades of “the western past elaboration Református Szemle 107.4 (2014)